[-] skyspydude1@lemmy.world 28 points 1 week ago

Definitely should share what gym so people can avoid it at all costs

[-] skyspydude1@lemmy.world 36 points 2 weeks ago

"Backorder" meant "Idiots with a couple hundred dollars". "Orders" were a whole $100 fully refundable deposit. It was a complete non-commitment, and I know a ton of people who literally bought them solely to resell their "spot in line".

I knew a dude who put in an order for 5, just to ensure he could sell his "spots on the list". Dude was a service tech that couldn't afford even the fake $40k price, let alone the current $100k price. I've seen tons of stories like his as well, so there's a 0% chance even 20% of those are actually converting to sales.

[-] skyspydude1@lemmy.world 28 points 3 weeks ago

Because it makes the longstanding sexual themes of vampires way funnier when he has to say "no homo" every time he dines

[-] skyspydude1@lemmy.world 57 points 1 month ago

He was technically a founding member, but left the company. Literally all of this is because he's jealous he can't pull a Tesla and claim all the credit for another tech company.

[-] skyspydude1@lemmy.world 32 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I couldn't help but imagine the Jetstream Sam meme, and was inspired to create this

![] (https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/136a4ef2-323c-46d1-b8dd-05aeeaaea826.png)

[-] skyspydude1@lemmy.world 48 points 1 month ago

This is also what a lot of people forget how it was at the time, thinking "if only" they had been early adopters and how they'd be millionaires. I was one, and had found it was great for traveling said "trade route", but also watched when Mt Gox collapsed and tanked the price 75% while stealing millions from people, and decided to take my winnings and leave the table.

How many people would see that shit and be like "Yes, I'm going to hold onto this for the next 10 years when it's worth something" and then sit through the number of 50+% loss events that happened?

You would have done exactly what 99% of early adopters did, and considered yourself incredibly lucky that you managed to make 1000% returns and sold.

[-] skyspydude1@lemmy.world 50 points 3 months ago

Seems unrealistic. In reality, they'd be asking how often the seizures occur and would figure out if the increased ad revenue from going to 90% would offset any potential lawsuits.

[-] skyspydude1@lemmy.world 55 points 7 months ago

My favorite was arguing with a much older (late 70s) friend of my dad's about how Obama ruined the economy and stock market, and when I told him that was objectively not true and the GFC was in full swing well before Obama was even elected, he was like "I know because I owned stocks and stuff, how would you even know?" Even when I pulled up a graph of the S&P 500 and showed the days he was elected and sworn in, he just said "Oh, that can't be right, the graph must be wrong". Showing the DOW and other composites from multiple sources did nothing to convince him. He was absolutely positive his retirement fund was doing great up until Obama was elected.

Yes Jerry, I'm sure that the entire stock market was just wrong, and it's not the fact you consume nothing but FOX News and will only refer to the 44th president as "The N*gger" potentially causing a bit of bias.

[-] skyspydude1@lemmy.world 31 points 7 months ago

Sandy Munro lost all credibility when it came out that, while going on about all these wild claims about Tesla's incredible manufacturing prowess and how everyone else was shit, he held a fair bit of Tesla stock and even went on to gloat about how much he made off it during 2020.

Absolutely zero integrity and no reason to trust a single word he says anymore, because not only has he shown that he won't disclose serious conflicts of interest, but that he'll also gladly abuse them for personal gain. He realized he can make way more money shilling Tesla and selling merch than he ever did with his normal business, and rides off his company's past reputation.

Even if you ignore that, his analyses are basically entirely cost focused, and having seen some of the reports on projects I personally know quite well, he takes an incredibly simplistic view towards component design and focuses on almost entirely on cost/simplicity, with basically zero regard for longevity, function, NVH, etc. Which, for the massive 500+ page reports that are purely for cost and build analysis, is totally fine. However, he then spouts it to the public as if everyone else is an idiot for not wanting their cars to be rattling shitboxes.

He'll praise things like Tesla re-using the suspension from the Model 3 1:1 onto the Model Y because it saves on manufacturing costs and such, but will completely ignore that, until some fairly recent part changes, the Y had literally one of the single worst rides of anything on the road today, because they added 100s of pounds of weight and didn't even bother to change the spring rates.

[-] skyspydude1@lemmy.world 28 points 7 months ago

I can tell you right now, personally knowing people who worked with him way back on the first Model S, he has always been an absolutely unhinged shithead of the highest degree. He loved going into an absolute berserk rage dropping tons of F-bombs in conference calls, all because someone gave him an answer he didn't like.

otherwise your initial employees and partners are going to walk out the door and leave you with nothing.

Yeah, there's a reason the original people at Tesla all left, and he was kicked out of PayPal. Literally the only reason anyone tolerates him in any way is for the financial incentive, and that's the only way he's kept people around.

[-] skyspydude1@lemmy.world 54 points 8 months ago

Batteries are rated for a certain continuous current draw, and if you try drawing too much, you're going to have a bad time. Some of these flashlights can draw a ridiculous amount of power, and if you're putting a cheap knockoff 18650 in it with no internal protections, it's not going to be a fun time.

It's the same issue people had with vapes exploding. The original included batteries might only be rated for a continuous draw of say, 10A, and they're adding these crazy high wattage coils trying to get 30A from them.

[-] skyspydude1@lemmy.world 46 points 8 months ago

And GM, the epitome of "slow and bloated legacy dinosaur", who in the time since Tesla announced the cYbErTrUcK, managed to design AND RELEASE a truck before Tesla even had prototypes. At this rate, I think they'll technically have 3 different trucks out before a single cYbErTrUcK is sold.

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