[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 1 points 4 hours ago

A different encrypted messaging service. Decent, but hasn't taken off despite using email for accounts rather than phone bonkers numbers

[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 2 points 11 hours ago

Well, I'll be danged.

Thank you for the info, and the links, I appreciate it :)

Good luck getting anyone in the left to act first. Hell, I'm crazy as a shithouse rat, and I wouldn't start a war until there's no other choice.

Sadly, I think it will take active violence to stir resistance among the armed left to actually fight. It'll be reactionary rather than revolutionary.

[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 10 points 1 day ago

They gonna find out that the left isn't exactly unarmed.

I was a good bit older, but it really did hit hard for me, having recently had a friend die of aids when I saw it that first time. And I remember him being just as blindsided by it all as the main character was. Don't want to spoil it for anyone thinking of giving it a watch because of this post and comments, but it was a similar situation, just with my friend continuing on after the movie ends.

There's a lot of fucked up things in the world, and just like you said, your can be careful and still end up wrecked.

Y'all do a great job considering how lemmy kinda blew up over the last year. While I've seen the bad stuff, it doesn't stay up long that I've noticed. And that's all anyone can ask

[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 14 points 1 day ago

World is pretty hit or miss like that, unfortunately.

But it comes down to individual mods. There's some C/s that have mods listed that aren't active, and haven't gotten weeded out yet. And you have some real assholes there as mods and users, which is to be expected from the larger instances (the one I'm in as well, shithustworks has some major jerks here and there)

Iirc, both mods and admins have access to reports, but most instances of any size, the admins really don't have the time to handle them.

Yeah, kids is/was a difficult watch. But that's kinda what made it worth watching. Some really raw performances by young actors that deserve recognition at the very least.

[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Gods, I hope nobody ever tries this for real

Edit: Also, I really gotta decide about blocking this instance fully. I'm pretty damn open minded, but there's some stuff that pops up from here on the all feed that I would rather not deal with, but there's a few C/s that are text only that are interesting, and I don't want to filter all nsfw stuff.

I know that's way off topic, but there's been an uptick in running across new (to me anyway) C/s that have mini floods of porn. And it kinda sucks to have to block each one to keep access to the text only communities.

Not that I hate porn, I just don't personally enjoy it for the most part.

Again, off topic, just putting my thoughts down to process then and see if anyone else has a similar issue

[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 20 points 1 day ago

You're asking about the desktop environment and its default settings, which may or may not be the same on any given distro.

But I have a tie between Plasma and Cinnamon (mint's DE). They both take only minor tweaking to get where I want them, and I can use them both out of the box with zero complaints.

[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 11 points 1 day ago

Man, everyone acts different around family than others, so I can definitely relate. It isn't the same thing for sure, my wife does the opposite and leans on me more when her family is around. But she's stressed by them, and it changes her behavior patterns.

My kid isn't my biological kid, and when there are forced interactions with the biological father's side of the family, behaviors change drastically. Enough so that when they occur, we book therapy sessions for before and after.

I'm different around my family than my friends, or my partner, though not as significantly because I'm older and more centered within myself, so it's more about minor shifts in word choices and body language, and I have really solid relationships with my relatives.

So you, and she, have to first be able to recognize that it's a simple, human thing to shift into the behaviors of a given "culture" as you move between them, and that both parties have to learn to acknowledge each other's boundaries regarding that.

It may help to stop thinking there needs to be a confrontation. While not everyone uses the word the same, it does tend to occur when a similar kind of thinking is in use. The idea that you have to have a specific event where you present a difficulty and work towards a solution isn't really necessary. One can address difficulties casually, and it often gives better results.

And, there's also the need to gently establish and reinforce boundaries in a situation appropriate way.

Here's what I would try next. When there's a bout of "nagging", you can just very gently and quietly say "I don't appreciate this behavior, and I do not accept it." Obviously, doing this around her family isn't a good idea unless you've tried all other avenues.

You stay calm. If you can't stay calm, you walk away with a promise to come back to the subject later.

If she can't stay calm, you are allowed to walk away and state that you do not accept the behavior, but you'll gladly discuss it later. Or, if you can stay calm, reassure her that you understand family can require shifts in behavior, that you love her, and encourage her to continue in a respectful way.

I promise you, it is vital that two adults contemplating merging their lives legally and socially via marriage have to build the ability to communicate. You have to have a mutually acceptable, mutually understood framework for resolving differences in a healthy way. Even during crises, hell, especially during crises, the ability to resolve a dispute in the moment, that's something that can save marriages, or save lives in extremis.

You don't have to make her explain anything, or discuss anything, about her family and why hey behavior changes. You don't even have to ask, though offering to listen is an important thing. What is necessary for both of you is to be able to establish good boundaries of behavior towards each other. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for a stressed partner is say "no" to reacting to their stress with stress of your own.

A good boundary will help her because she will know that you're sticking with her, that you see the stress, but won't participate in unhealthy behaviors. It can help someone learn to overcome that stress and deal with it better for themselves.

I've had to do that myself a few times over the years. My wife isn't prone to unhealthy behavior towards me, but she does sometimes slip into unhealthy behavior towards herself. I won't give details because it isn't my story to share, and it isn't anything that would help anyone else, beyond saying that it isn't anything horrible, and isn't anything to worry about.

But I do have exes. And one of those exes is an ex for the same reason you're presenting. Family history made her want everything to her idea of perfect, which led her to nitpick things. I drew very clear boundaries, including that I wouldn't be changing myself to please her family, and enforced them as needed. Alas, it needed doing often enough to become a problem, and I actually broke up with her for our mutual health. It was not a pleasant breakup, and I'm usually quite friendly with exes.

Now, obviously, this is based only on your side of the story, and assumes that anything needed to know is present in your post. For all I know, she's telling you to stop wiping boogers on your pants, and you should obey. But learning how to set boundaries, keep them, and handle disagreements calmly and casually as they occur is always good advice, and those are skills, you have to work at them. I didn't pop out of the womb all calm and able to think during emotional events, nobody does. So the sooner a person starts practicing, the sooner they gain the benefits.

[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 47 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Well, once one in an adult, it becomes a bit silly for sure. But when we're kids, our parents are often the center of, if not the entirety of, our universe.

Since it's something attacking a fundamental building block of our identity (with the obvious caveat that there's exceptions to almost everything), and allowing someone to attack that is not something you can just shrug off when you're young, it becomes something bigger than its real import.

That often lingers into adulthood, where an attack on family is an attack on the self, as a matter of principle. If you allow those attacks to stand without any response, it can be taken as permission to do the same, or worse, again.

As such, anyone wanting to get a rise out of people can typically rely on mom disses to get the job done.

Your mom's sexuality isn't the core of the attack. That's just the window dressing to the real purpose, which is saying "you are lesser than me, and can not retaliate effectively when I attempt dominance". In the case of OP, as everyone knows, their mom is a total slag to begin with. That is regardless of who OP is.

As far as sleeping with someone older: doesn't matter; had sex. This is a simple rule of life, that if one is the sort to brag about sex at all, any and all sex is worth bragging about. To wit, I bang your mum then bang your drum. Which is to say that yo mama such a ho that her vag emits hawking radiation.

In other words, what's wrong with intercourse between two consenting adults of any age? While it is true that yo mama's pussy is so old that she queef mummy dust, it does not invalidate her value as a person or sexual partner. Moreover, just because yo mama so ugly tying a pork chop around her neck couldn't get dogs to play with her, does not mean she is not worthy of a good, deep dicking.

To the contrary, women of age enough to have a child old enough to ask this very question on a forum such as this likely have had a great deal of sex, and thus is an excellent choice of partner for the discerning gentleman, lady, or other. To rephrase, yo mama such a ho that they call her Chicken Coop because cocks be going in and out all day, so she know the good tricks, and she is so old the Flintstones moved out of her vagina to a better cave where they met the Rubbles.

There is no shame in your mother. Consider: she is the first person to be in both the NFL and NBA halls of fame for most balls taken to the face. Indeed, she is considered to be the greatest wide receiver ever to take on an entire team by herself. Sadly, she could not qualify as a tight end, as she is such a ho that they used to be called jumpolines before she got on one. Her name on the halls of fame plaques is Peanutbutter because she spreads so easy.

Besides, take pride that you have earned the envy of others by being such a wonderful person that they can't throw disses at you directly, and have to throw them at your mom the way I throw her the D every night.

Believe it or not, there was a serious answer in there.


Somehow, I had never seen the video for the song.

It is, however, unforgettable.


Metal as fuck, and quite good manners


Thrash in your face!


I think my face is melting now


Pretty fucking dope


This is why I hate not being able to do shows any more. I miss this kind of energy and sheer immersive brutality.


Because burning the prison down is only part of the story


He's going to the country of Louisiana to get a mojo hand, a voodoo magic working.


This may be the sickest cover of the decade. There's so much funk in there that the room you're in will stank. Just bloody amazing track.


Nothing to say about perfection


Like a great wine :)

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joined 1 year ago