[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 1 points 22 hours ago

Man, fuck their pop-up

[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 7 points 22 hours ago

I'm not sure if there was something I missed, but that just looked like neutral math geeking to me.

There are no insults, no statements about it being wasted time, just a calculation of time with a single assumption.

Did I miss something?

[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 2 points 22 hours ago

Live, secret samadhi?

Yeah, you'll sometimes hear it with alabama instead, but it really is a thing

Legit though, a few drops of aged balsamic on eggs is amazing.

The "fake" balsamic, meaning regular vinegar that's flavored and colored to be kinda similar to aged balsamic, but lacks the best parts, is barely acceptable for salad dressing and roasting Brussels sprouts. And that's what was used here. Either that or they have way too much money to be wasting stuff that's as much as a hundred bucks for a small bottle that's meant to be used a few drops at a time.

[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

kinda like my first rats in coloration

These guys are the same coloration as my first rats were

It would be someone else's rats. I was an idiot and never took pics of them, any of them. But I'll be glad to find a cute pic!

Me? I'm in a good place. Just got a clean bill of cardiac health. Married. Kid. We game together, I have internet access, so there's an entire world of books and music for me to enjoy. Our chickens are healthy and happy despite the rooster having lost many feathers to a feral dog.

Nobody is sick, there's no drama ongoing that is disturbing anything (there's always some drama somewhere in a family the size of the ones my parents come from, it just isn't drama that touches us), and we manage to stay afloat financially between everyone that lives here.

There's still plenty of bad stuff going on, but currently, the weight of it isn't making the good hard/impossible to enjoy.

Like you, I know damm good and well that there's going to be bad stuff coming. And the longer the bad lasts, the harder it is to keep going. When that's happening, I just keep reminding myself that everything is impermanence. No good lasts forever, but neither do the bad times. And, it's not something where everythingis bad, or everything is good. There's always a little of each present, so it's usually possible to hold on when things are truly horrible.

As far as the bad though? I'm disabled. Arthritis, back issues, nerve damage in my lower body, constant pain that can surge into agony with no warning. My dad is getting old enough that his health isn't great, same with my mom. My wife is disabled too, and you can't have a teenager without there being something that's going wrong. So, I know that there's going to be bad times, and they'll probably be soon. It's gong to be hard to hold on through them. But! I've made it through five decades worth of bad times, and the last ten have been the best of my life despite the disability and pain and loved ones dying off along the way.

[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 12 points 1 day ago

Man, I love rats.

Not just fancy/pet rats, though that's the only kind I would have in my house lol.

Rats are smart, beautiful (and I will fight on that hill, or at least explain it before launching mortar attacks), and infinitely adorable even the wild ones.

I bred rats for a while as a teenager. We had hamsters for a bit, but when they died (of old age!), I wanted something a little more cuddly. The lady at the pet store recommended I try either rats or Guinea pigs. Their guineas were skittish and not up my alley. Their rats, and they were feeder rats, were curious and brave about some random human touching them.

So I got two boys. Yeah, I know.

Turns out, one wasn't a boy, so I had an accidental litter.

That first male, and one of the females from that litter became my constant companions. Enough so that one or both of them would sometimes go to school with me.

I ended up breeding pets for people, carefully and on a limited scale. But mostly because I just wanted more rats in my life.

But by the time I had graduated high school, my first boy had cancer. Then that first baby girl died. It kinda broke me, so I stopped breeding at all, and as the ones I had aged and died, I didn't replace them.

I just couldn't handle the short life spans, even with having about a dozen at any given time that were full on my pets.

I did get two more rats much later on because I missed having them. But when they died eventually, I knew I couldn't handle it again.

But dang, I love the little things. Just seeing them online makes me happy :)

Hey, it looks like you forget forgot to add in the explanation of why we should know. Either that or my app is being weird


Nothing to say about perfection


Like a great wine :)


They're drawing nearer to the other four horsemen post


Because this is an awesome fucking song, and this fucking chain of songs fucks.


Been debating about posting this for a while because it's at the very edge of metal, moreso than their usual stuff. But gods damn, it's just a great fucking track, and sometimes barely metal is metal enough, imo.


Lyrically dubious, but that fucking intro is beast.


Waiting for something is the connection with the Linkin Park post

Wise words being quoted (sh.itjust.works)

Not anything new, but one of those bands I never remember how much I like them until I run across them the next time and seem to keep forgetting to get any of their stuff. Maybe this will make me remember lol.


Miss Jamie has some serious range in what styles she does. This is more on the pop end of things and she's killing it as always.


Gods damn!

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