
joined 2 years ago
[–] sqw -2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

i dont remember much sanewashing in the media, maybe i consume biased media but pretty much everything i saw said tarrifs were likely to cause recession.

[–] sqw 0 points 1 day ago

egg cartons coming in 3x4? relatively rare in these parts.

[–] sqw 0 points 1 day ago (2 children)

If you're stuck in a small town, you may...

green leaf icon (self.mlemapp)
submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by sqw to c/mlemapp@lemmy.ml

I just noticed the newish green leaf icon by some posts. But I didn't intuit the meaning -- does it indicate the age of the account? Old dry oak leaf emoji for accounts over a decade old? 😏 Acorn emoji for accounts opened today? Might be interesting to be able to filter based on these criteria...

[–] sqw 3 points 1 day ago

it just keeps getting better! thank you mlem devs!

[–] sqw 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

how about trucking

[–] sqw 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

any mount brackets or concrete footings

[–] sqw 2 points 5 days ago (3 children)

free shipping?

[–] sqw 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Orphan-Crushing Machine

[–] sqw 1 points 1 week ago

do they give copilot the prescription pad as well?

[–] sqw 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

whats the mpg. looking for new daily driver

[–] sqw 3 points 1 week ago

i sometimes like to do a filtered french press type setup, mix boiled water and coffee, let steep, then pour through a sieve into a filter over my cup. makes a muddy brew thats kinda dinery and very fullbodied compared to my normal pourover.

[–] sqw 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I was making cold brew with that oxo system for some years. Its very low maintenance and easy to do. Only gripe I really have is the narrowing taper on the glass, which means i had quite a lot of near misses almost dropping it. Put a rubber band around the glass for anti-slip and its great.

IIRC I was doing 100g of coffee and 600ml of water for around 20hr steep. Makes a concentrate but I was personally just drinking straight shots of it occasionally ^_^

keyboard safety (self.mechanicalkeyboards)

I see a lot of ads these days for fancy mechanical keyboards from numerous brands, but the thing I always wonder about is: how do we know these keyboards dont have keyloggers or other spying tech built into them?

Link URL review (self.mlemapp)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by sqw to c/mlemapp@lemmy.ml

Anyone else want to be able to review the link text on hyperlinks? I appreciate how they are called out in a list below the post, but they only show the link text and not the href link. I would like to see whether the link leads to e.g. an untrusted or disliked URL without opening it.


Does anyone here do the Park&Homer / J. Reynolds crosswords? They show up in my alt weekly and I had the idea to start a running feed of questionable content in them xD


This week I’m enjoying Barrett’s Columbian Huila Natural - Carlos Fernando Red Bourbon.

This is one of the rarer ones that doesnt seem to drop off into bitterness no matter how fine I grind. Because of that I imagine it would make pretty fantastic espresso. The tasting notes of “blueberry, bubblegum, chili powder, winey, consistent” seem all over the place to me, and i’m not getting any of those. This coffee just tastes like a nice medium roast to me without any huge standout notes.

Looks like they reused a URL here since it doesnt match the description.


oscilloscope browser display (www.instagram.com)
submitted 1 year ago by sqw to c/retrocomputing
login issues (self.mlemapp)
submitted 1 year ago by sqw to c/mlemapp@lemmy.ml

Anyone else seeing mlem login issues? Guess my instance may have updated. I was getting a parse error on my user page, tried reinstalling/relogging but now cant log in with mlem. works ok on the webservice, though.

submitted 1 year ago by sqw to c/futurelings
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by sqw to c/mlemapp@lemmy.ml

I will check bug reports for this but I noticed mlem refreshes the feed when you change from portrait to landscape or vice-versa. Happens when trying to switch aspects while viewing an image, which loses the image, which is Very Annoying. Anyone else have same experience?

Chromatic Kunjin (www.chromaticcoffee.com)
submitted 1 year ago by sqw to c/coffee@lemmy.world

Today I’ve just started in to a bag of Chromatic Kunjin, tasting notes on the bag of “tart cherry / molasses vibes” seems true to my taste. It’s overall round, very juicy, and syrupy. This coffee looked especially red and velvety to me when ground, and quite low in chaff. I bought it from the discount shelf at the shop in San Jose, and was traveling around with it for a few days and it was filling the car with an irresistible aroma. Once home I had it frozen for about a month before thawing and now enjoying. Doesn’t seem too worse for wear!

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