You're one to talk. The only excuse you have is that you seem to have something against people who identify as men. Yea, real amazing argument there. Congrats on identifying as a basic leftist bitch with no common sense.
I don't appreciate someone trying to steal my right to bear arms away from me, risking my safety and restricting my right to defend myself from criminals simply because they don't like tools that go Boom Boom Boom.
Go back to reddit where you belong.
Looks like the web version is lacking it. The apps both desktop and phone support the feature.
One setting is in the apps settings. Auto play will play similar content once the current Playlist ends if repeat (and maybe shuffle?) is off.
In playlists you have made you can toggle Smart Shuffle which mixes recommendations into your shuffled playlist while it is toggled on. It doesn't seem to work with the radio feature but I think Autoplay does.
Yea, work computers suck, our company blocks spotify at the network so I just have to use my phone and cellular.
There is a smart Playlist called daylist. I haven't used it much but it updates throughout each day. Might be worth checking out if you want different music at work.