[-] stinky@redlemmy.com 1 points 2 hours ago

... Why would you accuse a bot of being a bot? .. Did you think it would get offended? Lol bruh

[-] stinky@redlemmy.com 1 points 4 hours ago

What was the point of the sarcasm? Did it help your argument or hurt it? I'm asking why it was included because it doesn't seem to add anything which wasn't already obvious, exactly like the content of the message

[-] stinky@redlemmy.com 2 points 5 hours ago

What about rabid robot rabbit rebels?

[-] stinky@redlemmy.com 2 points 5 hours ago

Like the Nazis.

[-] stinky@redlemmy.com 4 points 5 hours ago

Good cops should prevent bad cops from existing.

There are no good cops.

[-] stinky@redlemmy.com 2 points 5 hours ago

Hard disagree.

It is the people. Bad people choose to become USA police because they can be violent racist pieces of garbage with no consequences. They are immune to justice. Good people do not do this.

[-] stinky@redlemmy.com 2 points 5 hours ago

People trying League is the same vibe as people trying meth

[-] stinky@redlemmy.com 5 points 6 hours ago

When you want someone to get hurt.

[-] stinky@redlemmy.com 2 points 6 hours ago









[-] stinky@redlemmy.com 2 points 6 hours ago

I have to try out Perchance. That image is perfect for the setting.

[-] stinky@redlemmy.com 2 points 6 hours ago

I had one built by a computer repair place when I was in college - they did great and it had a fun case with lights

These days I'm too far out of the loop to get good prices or anything so I bought a laptop from Acer, here is the link

They offered a payment plan, 3 payments over 3 months with 0% interest

[-] stinky@redlemmy.com 5 points 8 hours ago

Wouldn't surprise me. "We're doing this to be helpful to you!" is actually moustached disney villain behavior.

^ similar to the prisoners with cats gimmick. "look how nice we're being to our prisoners" is actually "stop yelling at your bunkmate or we'll take away your cat"


Where is the favicon - is there any documentation around changing it?

I'm not talking about the instance icon, I mean the favicon (svg or ico? png?) which appears in your bookmarks if you bookmark a site.

I'm running in docker

Please let me know what information you need to understand my situation? or if there's anything I can do to help?


I get furious when people use my addiction as an excuse to do something. "I had to take the keys away from you, or you might go out and get messed up!" or "I was worried you were going to relapse so I called these people to prevent you from going to that place." etc. In general, these people violate my boundaries and take no accountability for it, saying instead that it's my fault for being an addict. "Well if you don't like us doing that to you, then don't use!" It feels so abusive.

If I didn't ask you to help me, you don't get to use my addiction as an excuse to do anything.

I didn't ask you to take the keys away, so that was your choice, and you are responsible for the pain it caused.

I didn't ask you to call my friends and have them stop me from using, so that was your choice, and you are responsible for the pain it caused.

If it isn't consensual it isn't help, it's abuse.


In this classic game theory experiment, you must decide: rat out another for personal benefit, or cooperate? The answer may be more complicated than you think.

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