You could have just downvoted my comment instead of posting the lowest effort dogshit comment you could have thought of
One single app: some random pizza making game I installed because I saw someone playing it in school. None in the work profile, suprisingly
That dragon is more powerful than 90% of all superheroes in the GDA including invincible. that's scary
Yes. I am a conservative destroying society. Do you want me to abolish the FCC or the FDA?
the funny thing is that in episode 8 omni man beats the shit out of mark in order to get him to invade earth. Seems familiar.
Divine Right of Kings
im not angry, just bewildered. im just a spectator commenting on your tribalistic behaviour causing you to instantly call me a conservative because i said your commentary is garbage, and quite frankly that's an understatement. i hope you understand that this behaviour is one of the reasons why the democrats lost the election and that partisanism is a construct designed to make you angry and be divided from your neighbours, and you have clearly fallen for it.
I am a conservative because I criticized you? You learn something new every day