[-] thisNotMyName@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Rick fucked me!

[-] thisNotMyName@lemmy.world 44 points 2 months ago

That would be part of the French cuisine

[-] thisNotMyName@lemmy.world 46 points 3 months ago

Just one more lane and it will be fixed, once and for all, pinky promise!

[-] thisNotMyName@lemmy.world 36 points 4 months ago

Who could have guessed??? Anyway it's important to think about the economy now, but only short term of course! /s

[-] thisNotMyName@lemmy.world 48 points 9 months ago

Wird Zeit, dass die Auflagen auch endlich mal die Größe angehen. Sollen die Hersteller doch nicht labern, dass sie einen 2t SUV umweltfreundlicher hinbekommen als einen Kleinwagen mit der Hälfte des Gewichts

[-] thisNotMyName@lemmy.world 59 points 1 year ago

Never lie to your doctor and never lie to your lawyer, you can only loose


Amazon product picture for a 2.5 Switch - why are there even wireless devices pictured?

[-] thisNotMyName@lemmy.world 46 points 1 year ago

Okay, let's play this game :D Mint, because it's frickin easy and fulfills all my needs while being stable enough for my work laptop

[-] thisNotMyName@lemmy.world 40 points 1 year ago

Well according to quantum theory, you can (the possibility is just very low)


Created with Bing Dall-E 3. Prompt: Movie poster Harry Potter and the boring office job, showing Harry Potter and Ron Weasley with facial expressions showing signs of boredom and tiredness in a large open-plan office

I also like this one:


I mean, why should a plane need something to eat?

[-] thisNotMyName@lemmy.world 53 points 1 year ago

Still better than "we stay together for the kids"-gang. Very good role models for social interactions, love and so on :)

[-] thisNotMyName@lemmy.world 37 points 1 year ago

Germany has around 10% in additional costs (taxes, realtor) for buying property. No matter if it's your first or hundred property, no matter if you want to use it yourself or for being a landlord or leave it empty to use it for money laundering. This plus the inflated prices make it really difficult for the average to buy these days. Thank you conservatives and libertarians, the invisible hand of the market fists us again

[-] thisNotMyName@lemmy.world 123 points 1 year ago

Ich mache einen Fehler. Ich werde zwar nicht freundlich, aber immerhin ohne Hinzuziehen von Behörden darauf hingewiesen. Mir bieten sich zwei Optionen: A: Ich sehe ein, dass ich mich scheiße verhalten habe und parke künftig auf ausgewiesenen Parkflächen B: Ich pöbel einfach zurück, dabei darf es natürlich nicht an Transfeindlichkeit und Gewaltandrogungen mangeln

99% aller Autofahrenden wählen B! Ich hasse diese Selbstverständlichkeit mit der beim Autofahren Regeln gebrochen werden, die alle nur dazu dienen, dass weniger Gefahr für andere vorliegt...

[-] thisNotMyName@lemmy.world 161 points 1 year ago

Welcome to the coldest summer for the rest of your life :)


it was two-tyred

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