[-] tron@midwest.social 14 points 3 days ago

AFAIK there is a work around to run MacOS in a VM and run the Mac client which doesn't have kernel anti cheat, but meh, why bother?

[-] tron@midwest.social 3 points 4 days ago

Also no dub track! 😭😭

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by tron@midwest.social to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I'm sick of using google maps, they started putting gigantic ads for stores on the map and I'm tired of them tracking me. So I ask you Lemmy, what should I switch to?!

EDIT: Was not expecting so many replies, thank you Lemmy! I am checking out Open Street Maps currently thanks for the recommendations!

[-] tron@midwest.social 41 points 3 weeks ago

Oh my god this whole post is amazing, thought I'd share my favorite excerpt:

This entire class of person is, to put it simply, abhorrent to right-thinking people. They're an embarrassment to people that are actually making advances in the field, a disgrace to people that know how to sensibly use technology to improve the world, and are also a bunch of tedious know-nothing bastards that should be thrown into Thought Leader Jail until they've learned their lesson, a prison I'm fundraising for. Every morning, a figure in a dark hood7, whose voice rasps like the etching of a tombstone, spends sixty minutes giving a TedX talk to the jailed managers about how the institution is revolutionizing corporal punishment, and then reveals that the innovation is, as it has been every day, kicking you in the stomach very hard.

Where the fuck do I donate???????

[-] tron@midwest.social 19 points 1 month ago

HDR alone is worth it. Going from Wayland to X11 makes my screen look like shit. Cannot ever go back.

[-] tron@midwest.social 34 points 1 month ago

Even if it was 100% offline. For how long? Microsoft can change that with a patch at any time. Suddenly all your personal files are being fed into GPT with no consent.

[-] tron@midwest.social 16 points 1 month ago

I am a gui only user. AMA. I have to use command line occasionally but it's less than once a month, if that. Im on EndeavourOS desktop for over 2 years with Bauh managing updates. My home server runs Unraid with a web GUI interface maybe used CLI twice in 5 years? They told me Linux could be what I wanted it to be. I don't want to use command line, so I don't!

[-] tron@midwest.social 95 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I think it's pretty clear the ban will be overturned. Congress just attached it to Ukraine aid because it was popular enough and they could ram Ukraine and Israel aid thru. The Supreme Court ruled in 1965 that Chinese propaganda is protected speech 8-0, in the middle of the red scare. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamont_v._Postmaster_General

If they want to truly go after tiktok we're gonna need data privacy bills and oversight that affects ALL social media platforms. Congress isn't serious about fixing issues. This isn't a serious ban. They just want sound bytes to play back home.

[-] tron@midwest.social 37 points 3 months ago

Honestly, maybe this is pure hubris here, but I think Biden is in for a big win in November. They have so much fucking money on hand they can blow it in Florida to troll Trump and Desantis. I think roughly 10-20% of the Republican party is, because of Jan 6, never Trump voters. We see Haley getting about that much support in these late primaries, even after she dropped out. We haven't had an election with Trump on the ballot since Jan 6 I think this is the sole reason he won't win. Moderates fucking hate him over Jan 6. So we have completely disengaged moderate conservatives, big donors are walking away because they don't want to pay Trumps legal bills. State GOPs are bankrupt. And to top it all off, Trump is going to be in court all summer over __________ crimes

Meanwhile Biden has strong issues to campaign on: Abortion and threats to American democracy. We still haven't managed to hit a recession yet, even tho its been predicted for the last 3 years. Things are improving, albeit slowly. Also what nobody in the mainstream is considering: Polling is completely broken. Pew research did a poll and found that 12% of respondents were capable of operating a Nuclear Sub (the reality is less than 1%). Online polls pay per poll, people are very clearly just answering question as quickly as possible to get the pay outs.

[-] tron@midwest.social 10 points 3 months ago

There's a big chance that the Japanese were going to surrender anyways, and if not, maybe just the threat of dropping the bomb (maybe, say, after a demonstration at sea or otherwise away from civilians) would've been enough.

They believe their Emperor was a God. The invasion of mainland Japan would have resulted in the Japanese fighting to the last man, woman, and child. Millions of civilian casualties. You suggest a test of the bomb would have forced Japanese surrender. But history tells the exact opposite story. There was a 3 day gap between the first and second bomb. Japanese high command thought the allies only had one bomb, refused to surrender. They only surrendered after the second bomb, when they realized this was repeatable.

[-] tron@midwest.social 9 points 3 months ago

For a child rape? lol cane this piece of shit until he fucking dies.

[-] tron@midwest.social 15 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I recently soured on Discord myself and here is my story. I have been part of the same private chatroom since 1999. We started on IRC as a Pokemon community and some of us just never left. We moved the chat off IRC to Discord in 2015? At first it was great, discord is miles ahead of IRC in terms of accessibility, now we were sharing photos and videos in chat and now we had it on our phones. We had seen myspace, facebook and countless other social networks go from good to terrible in our lifetimes and I guess we've always known the writing was on the wall for Discord. The end of last year we saw a few different things happen that really creeped me the fuck out.

  1. USA government has access to unencrypted push notifications on Android and iOS. Discord does not offer any encryption. Wired Article
  2. Discord is moderating private chats PC Gamer,
  3. Discord moderating policy is becoming more ideological and political. TechCrunch
  4. Tencent Ownership
  5. General fear that our 25 year long running chat will be sold as AI training data or other BS against our will.

So we moved to a Matrix instance. It was a struggle, some people just flat out refused and to this day (months later) will probably never come. The tech is I'd say, 90% on par with discord. Element (the main Matrix client) sucks at voice chat. It is embarrassingly bad, WHY ISNT THERE PUSH TO TALK? HELLO? Youtube videos won't play in chat, which sucks too. Otherwise we gained encryption and a sense of independence I feel. Looking forward it is possible we will buy rack space for our own instance to further get off the grid. Definitely pros and cons overall but thats my experience. Anybody looking to try out Matrix hit me up you're welcome on my server.

Edit: I completely forgot about the mobile app redesign what a shit show that was! The devs attitude during that is what lead me find Matrix in the first place.

[-] tron@midwest.social 12 points 5 months ago

This user is being extremely pedantic, I recently moved my discord server to a matrix instance and I promise you, it is not that hard. Download Element, make an account in the app, log in. It takes no longer than any other service.

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