Both. Maybe leaning a little bit more on sci-fi since they try to explain many things with science like kryptonite. But definitely also fantasy for X-Men, mutants have superpowers because the DNA does ... things.
I dont think anyone will come to share this knowledge with us since it could be used by newspapers website to block the archiving.
I love this vibe. I'm getting back on MATE and the feeling is great. No fluff, just simple features!
One crazy idea: tax kerosene and use this to fund this ticket which will now also have TGV 😅
Abortion is decriminalised, so it's still not legal but it falls under civil law which is not as harsh as criminal law.
Edit: I misread the article, you can legally get an abortion at federal health facilities. I don't know about state health facilities.
Been using protonmail for my main email for three years, never had one issue. But I'm in Europe, maybe in the US it's different?
You can enable ribbon-like top toolbar in LibreOffice, I find it less confusing coping from MS Office. I've worked a lot in MS Office and LibreOffice so don't hesitate to ask :)
I read the (original?) article on the Verge covering this and my understanding is that it's not an issue. The files/folders way of thinking is already a metaphor for 0s and 1s scattered around on silicon. Using a "laundry basket with a search robot" isn't inherently a worse way to store data than a "file system with hierarchy".
We are just used to one way and the other baffles us because it goes against our way of thinking about 0s and 1s scattered on silicon.
There is! The release is distributed through fdroid or directly via APK. More info on the Lagrange Gemini capsule.
Lagrange does gemini and gopher! It's truly a masterpiece :)
We have them in France too :(