Anyone have a recommendation of n a good dive shop in Cancun? Looking to do a cenote dive in early January and had looked into Chad Mool cenote but wondered if anyone has had an excellent experience somewhere else?

[-] untrainedtribble@lemmy.world 36 points 11 months ago

Hopefully soon. I want off this stupid fucking ride

[-] untrainedtribble@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago

Finally have had time to pick up TOTK again. Got all the light roots and want to get all the surface and sky shrines this weekend. Then I’ll finish all the side quests which will take a while. I 100%’d BOTW and going to attempt the same!

[-] untrainedtribble@lemmy.world 15 points 1 year ago

I went there before they bought the place and it was so gross haha. I swear the margaritas were 50% salt and food was microwaved at best. Everyone hyped it up so much and it was just sad. I’ll give it another go if I’m ever in the area again.

Did they change the shows? I remember they had a guy five off the waterfall but that was about it

[-] untrainedtribble@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Yeah they picked up the same reading on Venus which was later disproved. The headline is also somewhat misleading in that this planet is 9 times larger than earth (not sure what it’s mass is) so it wouldn’t accommodate humans but still it would be incredible to reconfirm results

[-] untrainedtribble@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

Too bad it’s 9 times the size of the earth (I don’t know what it’s mass is) so likely not suitable for humans. Still finding life outside earth would be absolutely incredible, and I agree, the most historic discovery of humankind

acceptable trade? (lemmy.world)

I had dobbins whose out for the year and only have Ackers for second RB. .5PPR keeper league

Give: Romeo Doubs Get: Dalvin Cook

Doubs had a great first game with Love but not sure how sustainable he will be

[-] untrainedtribble@lemmy.world 13 points 1 year ago

I just had my 2 year sobriety birthday this month and I completely agree with you, however, I do think the culture in America is shifting. Millennials aren’t drinking AS much and Gen Z much much less. The social pressure to drink is waning somewhat and I live in a state that has the most drinking per capita in the country.

There’s a lot of N/A beers that have gotten much better to give people quitting an alternative (like nicotine gum or patches). Long way to go but I do think it’s trending in a positive direction for people struggling. I understand this isn’t something some people feel comfortable with - I was very hesitant to try one for the first time after quitting because I wasn’t sure if it would spark the urge to drink real beer more but it’s been great for me.

I don’t see a world where alcohol is restricted as much as public smoking but having alternatives is a big thing for me to feel less awkward in drinking social settings where i still feel like I’m participating in a healthy way for me.

[-] untrainedtribble@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

Know if there is an iOS equivalent? Seems like a great thing to have but my search just pulled up paid or subscription based apps

[-] untrainedtribble@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

Over 7.25% for some loans today. Definitely making an impact on the market as a whole right now

[-] untrainedtribble@lemmy.world 13 points 1 year ago

Had a bad spout of insomnia mainly due to extremely high stress levels. I was sleeping 1-3 hours max every night for months. I somehow still got the minimum amount of work done but I was a zombie and have basically no recollection of what I did during that time. I ended up having sleep depravation psychosis essentially and when I would sleep and have any thought or dream, I thought it was absolutely real.

Strangest thing I did during that time was probably dropping my kids off at school and leaving them (this was during summer break). That was eye opening for me.

I’m thankfully in a much better place now. Still high stress job and a lot of anxiety that I carry with me home but I’m working on it!

[-] untrainedtribble@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

I agree completely. I don’t want all TOS characters to take over, at least for another 2-3 seasons. I’m loving M’Benga’s character and would hate for a McCoy to come in to replace him. There’s a nice opening for Scotty to come into the picture without any character currently in that role but I also want this series to stand on its own. I love how the writers have gone back to an episodic series. It just works so well for trek

[-] untrainedtribble@lemmy.world 19 points 1 year ago

I would have to say Jesus. Arguably the most influential figure in human history as far as how his story (whether you believe it or not) has shaped the world we live in now. Of course others would be in the conversation (Muhammad, Alexander the Great, Gandhi, etc. but if you could meet Jesus and see a miracle in person that would be quite the story to bring back


Since this community looks completely empty, I thought I would start a discussion and just ask - what has been the best dive of your life?

I've been diving for a few years and haven't made it to some of the places I would love to go to but I would have to say my favorite dive so far was in Cozumel - I got to see a lot of awesome reef formations, barracuda's, I heard dolphins (didn't get to see them) and tons of fish life.

How about you?


Forgive me if I'm confusing some terminology. Haven't been in the Fediverse long at all. I'm still having trouble finding specific communities on Lemmy. I found a Green Bay Packers instance called: Packers@fanaticus.social which is sadly not that active but what if I want to find other NFL teams within the same instance because it seems like it would skew towards more sports related content.

How can I search for other communities within fanaticus.social in the search bar? I've tried on browser and iOS (wefwef) with no results

Thanks for the help and apologies if this is a newbie question

[-] untrainedtribble@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago

Yes there needs to be more doggo content on here! I promise to post pics of my dog if someone creates it

My Story (lemmy.world)

Hiyah! My name is Andrew and I’m a recovering alcoholic. My 2 year sobriety anniversary is coming up next month.

I started drinking when I was around 14 years old and was really just a social thing. When I was in my mid 20’s I realized I had a problem. When I turned 30 I started to really try on my own but I’d loose track and not pay attention enough to see how much I was drinking. At that time I was drinking 750ml a day basically. It took me years but I quit for good when I was 32.

It took me about a year to finally get some traction with my sobriety. At first I would make it a day, then maybe a week, back to a day, to a week, etc. what helped me the most at first to find the courage to tell a few people. My wife had known but I hadn’t shared that side of me with any of my friends or family. I finally decided to tell some friends and, not to my surprise, they had known I struggled but they were so supportive and generous to help and felt honored that I felt comfortable sharing with them.

I’ve never gone to AA (not that I have anything against it) or support groups. I did meet with a therapist for 9 months or so and stopped following up. I’d love to go back to him but healthcare sucks where I am.

It’s still a journey and I my no means have the impression that I’ve mastered this but things are so much better than they were. I still have bad days that make me want to drink just one - today is one of them actually - but tomorrow I’ll wake up sober and hopefully in a better mood.

Moral of the story for anyone lurking and thinking about quitting is to find some support. Good support. If you don’t have any responsible friends that you can really trust to go on this journey with you, reach out to people in this community, find a therapist you feel comfortable with or go to AA or support group near you.

It really is worth it, I promise. You’ll be amazed at what things change in your life because of it. It’s so worth it.


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