
joined 2 years ago
[–] westyvw@lemm.ee 3 points 14 hours ago

I could have that discussion. But it still wouldn't be theft. Nothing was actually stolen.

[–] westyvw@lemm.ee 9 points 14 hours ago (7 children)

I'm going to say it again. It cannot be theft. Nothing is stolen. What did they have before they don't have now?

I see people disagree with me but they are too lame to try and say why, and they definitely could not explain how, when there is nothing in AI but a probability algorithm.

[–] westyvw@lemm.ee 4 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

I can't buy into the theft idea. It is like describing ideas in mathmatical concepts. The ai contains nothing of the original.

Is there another word that fits better? I don't know.

On the other hand, why would anyone buy art without knowing the artist? I commision art, I buy art, but I always get to know who it is from and in most cases how they made it: watercolor, oil, pen, etc.

[–] westyvw@lemm.ee 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Well I appreciated all of that believe it or not. I still stand by windows 95 being basically a hybrid with the bootload from DOS, but I understand your distinction. But because while windows 95 was 32 bit preemptive, it still had 16 bit applications running at the same time that were cooperative multitasking such as User.dll. They pushed processes to User.dll It still was this weird hybrid sitting on top of several 16 bit processes.

As an Amiga user by early 1988, and access to DEC Alphas and Sun workstations, windows 95 seemed very late to the party. But you are right that in hindsight, windows 95 solved a lot of problems for working with generic hardware for the masses.

But also remember that DirectX at launch was not easy to work with. Microsoft had licensed OpenGL from silicon graphics, and later bought the graphics engine for DirectX from Rendermorphics. OpenGL would be at windows 95 launch far better performing, and directx still hard to write for and limited graphic functionality. But they continued to improve it and you are right they supports sound, joysticks, graphics, one stop shop eventually.

[–] westyvw@lemm.ee 7 points 3 days ago

But it’s a perfectly functional and sensible solution for storing system configurations.

No. It was not. The concept was OK, but the execution was not. Even Microsoft didn't know what was in there. The design was horrific. They could have used keywords, they could have had a data dictionary, they could have standardized it. They could have made it not get corrupted by glancing at it.

But they didn't, at least not for a long time. And it still sucks, just a little less.

[–] westyvw@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (6 children)

XP was also pretty good for its time.

Pretty good at collecting every virus under the sun and beginning the anti consumer practices.

95 was an innovator if anything, ahead of pretty much anything else on desktop at the time

Huh? Coming from an Amiga it really didn't seem innovative. Or OS2 or BeOS (which ran circles around Win 95) or Macs. Windows 95 was still just another dos program on top of a shell.

[–] westyvw@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Yep and that happened right about when windows XP came out.

[–] westyvw@lemm.ee 4 points 3 days ago

Yes, yes it has.

[–] westyvw@lemm.ee 8 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

20 years and counting its been Linux desktop for me. There really hasn't been a good alternative yet.

[–] westyvw@lemm.ee 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Been there, done that. They did some TV here and there, but not much. They didn't watch much at all when they were little, certainly not over and over.

[–] westyvw@lemm.ee 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Most people are not making software and trying to create support structures either. So I am not sure what you are getting at here. If someone can create a development project of any decent size, setting up a web page for cheap or free is trivial. So I have no idea what you are getting at.

It has nothing to do with if I like discord or not, it is simply is it appropriate or not. I have explained why it is not an ideal support place. Certainly not a tier one. Nothing I said was pretending anything.

And yes it depends on the server. You do realize that admins use various bots and have different settings per discord instance right? There are many discussions with the discord devs about their various approaches and problems with searches.

[–] westyvw@lemm.ee 5 points 5 days ago (3 children)

How am I being disingenuous? I DO host web pages. We do host pages for support. I am not sure what you are getting at.

Yes, IRC isn't used that frequently, and it is sad. It just works.

I am not the only one who doesn't like Discords search, and it really does vary depending on the instance.

And I am realistic. Again, we already do this. No discord needed.


Dave's Pick 53 is Riverfront Coliseum, Cincinnati, OH (10/2/76)

I believe there are only audience recordings of this show, so this should be a new sound board to listen to. Which is kind of cool. Buy it or not, it will be a new release into the wild.

Anyone going to pick it up?


This man channeled the universe, and at times we all were on the same wave length and we traveled through time and space. I am going to miss the most creative bassist I have ever heard. As Phil said "Never play it the same way once"


I really only listen to Audio, I don't see myself ever watching the video so I guess it wont matter much to me. Others might like seeing the video?


Also, whats with the Donut as the logo? Did I miss something?


I tried several models, several prompts, and the results have been surprisingly bizarre. I also was surprised there is no JR Bob Dobbs recognition. All I wanted was a classic 1950's TV salesman.


I know how to turn off the notifications, but Plex should not nag me to rate things I have watched.


Today we have Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey city, NJ

A SBD and a Matrix is available, and the complete video.

Saw this on the TIGDH site, passed it on to here!


Just saying.


Lol at the JamBands headline. Was this show "lost"? Looks like there are 4 traded shows to choose from on Relisten alone....

Ah the headlines...... It is a good show... not Brents first as this article alludes to.


I have configured buckets and synced three joplin instances. One time it lasted a month. Another lasted a day. The most common error is *Got Metadata for Path but could not fetch content. * Anyone have any tips or tricks to getting this to work? I sure like concept, the best place to sync for me. And yes I can see the markdown file in the bucket so.....


I was out of country for the past month. I have access to two monitors, and I brought a keyboard, wireless mouse, and a small JBL speaker. It has been a pretty good experience. I have edited documents, images, and created PDF's. I can connect to jobs that require windows with a web browser to Azure Virtual Desktop. I have streamed live events, worked on my home servers, and it is always snappier than a windows machine. With a click I am back in handheld gaming mode playing SNES games, or Elden Ring.

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