In Florida it’s about 50-50
I’d be into it. But I wouldn’t be devastated if it didn’t happen.
Lots of sites offload payment directly to stripe, PayPal, etc. many even let you choose the provider. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work the same way.
Good thing they didn’t go with a Walgreens or CVS theme or they’d need another 10 feet of fondant receipt
Yes! Slip the sound board guy your discman and $20 and get a perfect recording. I remember a few times where there were a stack of discmans and walkmans (Walkman?) recording.
Only “now”?
I knew the punchline before reading it and still chuckled.
Ah damnit so I did. The rest of the numbers are true, just not as close to the 1kg’s worth as noted.
A kilo of gold is worth about $193k currently, which depending on where you live and how old you are means different things. For example, if that was your whole net worth and you are a Baby Boomer in the US you’d be about $1.5M below the average family. If you’re under 35, though, you’d be slightly above average. (Via kiplinger)
FWIW because the top 1% have so much wealth they skew the average significantly - overall the median net wealth in the US is right around that $193k number, but the average is just over $1M, which is pretty amazing.
$200K in net wealth would just about put you into the global top 10% and into the top 1% if those were your earnings for the year.
Are they at least 3rd-hand, (or more) spurious sources with an inscrutable chain of custody
Is there any other kind?
ok, but what about three Youtube videos?
Keyword blocking keeps me on voyager on desktop. Unless I’m making a new post (which I don’t like the voyager interface for) and then it’s back to the web UI