Definitely. I try to remember that. I just get stuck in my head the ideal of what I want, and if that ideal doesn't match what I think I am able to accomplish I just don't try in the first place. It's a terrible habit I need to break, especially if I'm going to ever get any decent amount of writing done :|
I think their perfectionism is pretty well known, or at least their intense work ethic. I was just watching something recently (can't remember, a docu I believe) that had a segment on Japanese work culture and how the Japanese government had to even force workers to take a vacation because it was eating into their economic activity. The Japanese were working so much that they weren't spending enough to stimulate their economy creating a downturn. One employer locked the doors and shut the power off at the office, and the workers broke into their own office building and did their work by flashlight and their own wifi hotspots. Crazy.
Just finely crush about a half a bag of salt and vinegar chips and then toss 'em in