There's someone out there selling great aunt Beatrice's car. 2006, 77000 miles. Drove to church and the grocery store once a week.
Hang in there!
There's someone out there selling great aunt Beatrice's car. 2006, 77000 miles. Drove to church and the grocery store once a week.
Hang in there!
The only retirement plan for me is to move somewhere where it doesn't get cold in the winter and be homeless. So far that's what I can afford.
I actually run mine in a 12 year old castoff Thinkpad. 4 GB ram total. More than enough to run it because I run a DNS server, a dashboard and a speedtest server on the same machine.
Local repair shop wants $229 to replace it. Better then the 569 Motorola wanted to fix it. Right to repair for the win.
I think you accidentally put a hex on me. Just this morning I dropped my phone and smashed the front display :(
I don't have YouTube Pro or whatever its called now and when I listen to music on my Google home it plays an ad after ever song. Since I have switched to Pihole and blocked googles DNS servers the only ads I get are to buy premium YouTube which I assume are hardcoded into something somewhere.
We better be careful, with Googles track record they will be getting rid of YouTube soon and rolling it into whatever they are calling their Skype clone nowadays.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a shot.
You pick them yourself. Search for an app, long press and then add to favorites
I'm banking on continued driver improvements and hopefully some big price drops when the B series of ARC finally launches.
I also like the idea that the A380 it doesn't require pcie power cables. You could theoretically add one to an appropriately large 2nd pcie slot as a second GPU in a server or a workstation.
I just say that video from Wendell. Looks promising.
When that first happened I switched to KISS Launcher. Fully search based. really simple and really fast.
Larry David would have benefited from this chair.