Solution: play through two mirrors
You win a free trip to the Hague
The cynical part of me wonders how many of these "we're cooked" comments are part of a psyop to discourage Democrats from voting
Have you tried giving it a handjob?
pan to tax preparation companies taking turns sucking off Uncle Sam
I never thought I'd die this way, but I always hoped
Look again, it actually says Dempster
Who the fuck has time for three girlfriends?
I remember I used to be subscribed to a mailing list for a programming language. A friend of the lead developer set the mailing list up for them at his university, and then went off and did his own thing. It was completely unmoderated. Some kid sent a "neat little proggy" his friend Dieter wrote. If the extent of my Internet usage wasn't limited to free email through Juno, my entire hard drive probably would have gotten deleted that day lol
unzip; strip; touch; finger; grep; mount; fsck; more; yes; fsck; fsck; umount; clean; sleep
It's basically bean dip, what's not to love?