Möglich ist est, kann aber auch in die andere Richtung gehen, dass Prognosen nicht zutreffen gerade weil auf Grund der Prognose gegengesteuert wird.
If Anon hurt a cat 4chan would find him and kill him.
Gig: Waiting for Dodger - After being freed, Bill and Charles will now be more mindful of their driving and avoid running over Dodger’s goons, preventing any unnecessary combat.
Only the Germans often butcher them, that they speak it as if they were real German words…
English butchers words too.
You're very smart. Often you don't know until it's too late and then getting out of that situation isn't easy.
AfD ist jetzt also auch woke, muss ich wohl Grüne wählen, die haben wenigstens einen Mann als Kandidat.
Plenty of toxic women out there.
Yes. The only way to make it less gay is to touch your girlfriend's dick.
European here. "Pepper munitions" aren't military weaponry as they're banned for use in war by the Chemical Weapons Convention. This all reads like riot control stuff. The only weird thing is that american universities have their own police departments.
No, it was withdrawn, removed from the agenda so there was no vote, now it's back on.