Experiences Regarding Gaming on OLED screens?
A community for PC Master Race.
How do you run games using Wine Wayland? I tried using the registry edit with Proton-TKG as well as system wine but I haven't gotten it working yet.
protontricks -s NAME
protontricks -c 'wine reg.exe add HKCU\\Software\\Wine\\Drivers /v Graphics /d x11,wayland' APPID
Some games crash on start, anti-cheat does not work and some games don't look right. So make sure to check that everything looks good once you're ingame.
Thanks! I managed to get it working in some games and it seems to output HDR. Sadly it doesn't seem to support fractional scaling (at least with two monitors), and since I use 175% scale that messes it up. Gamescope seems to work pretty well though, both for HDR and for fractional scaling.