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Can you elaborate on this?
Only a little because it's an underdeveloped thought of mine. But you know Richard Dawkins? Self-proclaimed atheist? Yet he gave the game away like a year ago when he used creationist talking points (saying the human body was made to do such and such) during one his anti-trans tirades. He also literally calls himself a cultural Christian.
the "rational, enlightened" nature of modernity is a smokescreen for a set of intense contradictions. as materialists it's obvious to us that christianity didn't just disappear overnight with the advent of capitalism. "scientific" capitalist modernity is rife with undercurrents of christian spirituality which are obscured and occultised compared to older times but still ever-present.
this is a good read on it, i know more esoteric marxism isn't everyone's cup of tea but even if you don't personally give a shit about spirituality i think this piece is well-written and goes over some of the contradictions quite well between the "rational, scientific" modern age and its true more sinister nature.
This is good stuff, thanks!