Calixto García Íñiguez, born on this day in 1836, was a general in three separate Cuban uprisings for independence - the Ten Years' War, the Little War, and the War of 1895, which bled into the Spanish-American War.
García joined the Ten Years' War at the age of 18. Five years later, when surrounded by Spanish troops, he shot himself under the chin with a .45 caliber pistol to not give them the satisfaction of capturing him. Although the bullet went out of his forehead and knocked him unconscious, he survived. The wound left a great scar and gave him headaches for the rest of his life.
García played a key role in the ultimately successful War of 1895 and protested the subsequent lack of Cuban autonomy in the conclusion of the war (no Cuban was allowed to sign the terms of surrender and the Spanish leaders in Cuba were allowed to keep their posts in Santiago).
After American military commander William Shafter excluded Cubans from negotiations for the surrender of Santiago, declined to invite García to the surrender ceremonies, and let Spanish authorities remain in control of Santiago until the U.S. could establish a military government, García resigned from the rebel army in protest on July 17th, 1898.
García died of pneumonia on December 11th, 1898 while on a diplomatic mission in Washington, D.C. Today, his portrait is on the 50 Cuban peso banknote.
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Ah no wonder my computer is slow. I literally have a 10 year old CPU. Might honestly be time for a new build. Most the parts asides from GPU and RAM are the same I used when I built this.
Slow howso? A 4790k should be holding fast for daily stuff, maybe not video editing or gayming. Not a bad idea to swap it tho.
It's taking like 10 minutes to boot up and my games are starting to run slow. Also every Paradox Game I try and play takes 20 minutes to load
Oh yeah Paradox games are hard on systems lol. Super upgrade time.
Especially because EU5 is looking super complex.
HDD boot drive may be the culprit, if so replace with SSD and ideally a fresh OS install.
Are you booting from an HDD? Cause mine was getting slow until I swapped to an SSD and the performance gain was unreal.
just get an ssd and you'll be set for a few more years, the performance jump is remarkable. M.2 NVME if you can for even more speed boost.
My i5-3570K was 11 years old by the time I replaced it. That thing really held up.
Mine is an i7-4790k and yeah it has really held up. I just think it's been performing worse lately. Researching a ton PC parts. Basically been 10 years since I built one from scratch
AMD Ryzen is probably the way to go on CPUs these days. I got a good deal on a 5800X and AM4 mobo last year, but of course they've released newer stuff since then and AM5 has forward compatibility.
I'd probably need to get a new motherboard since I'm not sure if that chip is compatible. Honestly need to just upgrade. PSU, HD, and Motherboard is old as well.
PC part picker is good at being accurate on which parts are compatible with one another. If you have a specific question, you can make another post.
Including for your current motherboard, BTW. If you make a new build and enter in your current mobo model, it will give you a list of compatible upgrades. 10 years ago, Intel sockets lasted a decent amount of time, so it's possible there is an upgrade path for your current board.
Unfortunately there isn't an upgrade path. I think that motherboard was a few years old when I got it
i'll stick with my 2600k thanks
based cpu
Yeahhh, I'm gonna stick with my MIPS R4400 thanks
Using a PC is counterrevolutionary