Please stop the bus of life, I want to get off
Welcome to politcal memes!
These are our rules:
Poor "volunteers" will do the backbreaking manual labor. Rich volunteers will drive the heavy machinery in air conditioned cabins.
You'll work harder
With a gun in your back
For a bowl of rice a day
Slave for soldiers
Til you starve
Then your head is skewered on a stake
Now you can go where people are one
Now you can go where they get things done
Saw Jello do a spoken word performance during the 2nd Gulf War.and he asked "Who would trust a country run by a Bush, a Dick and a Colon?
slayer song?
Good guess, and I can Imagine it's a lyric they would use.
Dead Kennedys - Holiday in Cambodia
Thanks! ill check it out!
First time with surf punk? Try DK's police truck, soup is good food and Agent Orange's bloodstains or miserlou.
it is, thanks, i am learning the guiatr. is surf punk dick dale? i remember an album of his