Could microplastics be eroding empathy in human brains?
Sometimes we have those little epiphanies in the shower.. sometimes they come from other places. This is a home for those epiphanies.
Regardless of how shitty the DNC is, it seems to defy logic that anyone could support Trump, and yet half of the US does. Because of that, I can see why someone might start thinking there must be some sort of external cause or something.
US self-entitlement.
the land of the free has always had a “more important than every other country” mindset which has infected their citizens with the same selfish mindset.
McCarthyism and subsequent witch-hunts have resulted in such an anti-socialist zeitgeist that it has morphed into an anti-social zeitgeist where any empathy for any other person is seen not only as a weakness, but as also being “Un-murikan”.