DNC Announces Plans to Learn Nothing from This
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
Your post is CLASSIC misdirection and misrepresenting what the Dems actually did. IF these elections were fair, and I've reason to think they were not, then they got lost on higher gas prices. Which is A PRETTY STUPID AND SELFISH reason to vote for/not care about mass deportations. And they lost it on not attacking trump on the border and on the economy.
So we are now in MAGA election rigging conspiracies? JFC. Trump even won the popular vote.
Look at the 2020 popular vote. Trump got 74 Mio. votes back then and 72 Mio. Now
The Dems went from 81 Mio. to 67 Mio.
The Dems succesfully fucked this up with uninspiring candidates and lack of vision to rally their voters.
blue maga and blueanon wasn't just a sort of tongue in cheek name, it was also an accurate description. we've seen this shit burgeoning up, to me, most notably with the people who were adamant that trump didn't actually get shot and it was all a PR stunt. been lost in the sauce for a while.