this post was submitted on 30 Jan 2025
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[–] 49 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Soap box time:


It's such copium to go "mm yes give me bones in my tiny pieces of meat! I love paying for sauce and skin and bone!"

Call me whatever you want, call boneless wings nuggets or strips or tendies, whatever. If you want chicken with bones in it, go for something with an actual amount of meat or fun factor to it. When I get a drumstick, I feel like a medieval king enjoying the jesters on my screen as I snap a bite off and grow closer to dying from gout.

If I am paying my hard earned cash for meat and sauce, I want the meat and sauce, not sauce and bones that take up 50% of my meal and go into the trash can when I'm done. I get there's an appear to "sucking the sauce off the bone", I love a good rack of ribs as much as the next Joe Six-Pack, but I want the bones to be able to suckable, and not "this could get lost in my teeth if I'm not careful enough."

Maybe I've never had a good set of bone in wings from local or chain places, but I would much rather buy some tendies and dunk that shit in some generic sauce than eat wings.

It's 1:19 AM as I write this before I pass out, I wanted to get this out in a humorous way, and I hope someone else enjoys it in this shit time we're all in. Goodnight.

[–] jawa21 19 points 1 week ago (3 children)

The issues with this:

  1. Boneless wings are not made of the dark meat from wings and are inherently a different product altogether. They are made from dry, relatively flavorless breast meat that needs a lot of help. There are good reasons why the more expensive a restaurant is, the less likely that any kind of chicken meat they serve will be breast meat.
  2. The entire idea here is flavor, not quantity (though I weekly order great all you can eat wings while playing D&D for cheaper than a big mac). The marrow adds a lot of flavor.

I'd guess that you have only ever had absolutely sub par wings. A lot of places will serve wings at the culinary level of Hooters - soggy, over cooked slop.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Right; before wings became a thing unto themselves, they were stuck in soup because they add a lot of flavor. A combination of dark meat and bones is why, plus the fact that they were cheap because nobody had a better idea for using them at the time.

Chicken breast is like an empty canvas. They're a chunk of protein that you add your own flavors into. I find that appealing from a cooking point of view, but yeah, it comes out bland most of the time for a reason.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I’d guess that you have only ever had absolutely sub par wings. A lot of places will serve wings at the culinary level of Hooters - soggy, over cooked slop.

Maybe? But at some point I think it's more how everyone around me does it. From local to chain to people I've had cook while I was a guest, I've never had good bone-in wings. I've had good ribs and bad ribs, I've had good chicken thighs and bad chicken thighs.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Bones add a ton of flavor. Boneless “wings” aren’t as great

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wings are dark meat though! Sounds woke!


[–] 6 points 1 week ago

My dating history will confirm I have no issues putting dark meat in my mouth.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

If you want chicken with bones in it, go for something with an actual amount of meat or fun factor to it.

Your whole mistake is assuming that meat is why people eat wings.

No, to paraphrase Dennis Reynolds, there's no denying that the skins are the most fascinating part. Bone in wings have the highest ratio of skin out of any cut, and are therefore the most delicious.

And yes, I sometimes take chicken skin off of thighs and breasts to just fry them as some kind of chicharrones.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I do enjoy skin sometimes, but it has to be crispy. The method you do sounds good, but otherwise I am not a big fan fo skin, for some reason.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

I agree that it's only good when the skin is crispy enough to hold up to the sauce: maintaining a crisp texture with the surface area to cling to a bunch of sauce. Not every place does it right.

But with boneless stuff, the approximation through breading just isn't the same.

Note that I've also taken bones out of the real wings, and those are about 50 times more delicious than nuggets or tenders. It's not the bones, it's the skin.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

No, I won't allow this biased shift in language.

You're referring to WINGS sir. There are no "bone-in" wings, that's just wings.

Enjoy your chicken nuggets, and I mean that, they're delicious, but they're not wings.

Wings have bones.

Boneless nuggets do not have bones.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Wait until you see the meat to bone ratio of frogs legs.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

This is my issue with ribs. Ribs are like 95% bone. What the fuck ribs??

I do love a bone in chicken though.