There. I've said it.

spoilerVoting is the absolute bare minimum amount of political activity you can do

spoilerI'm not an American so I can't vote in your stupid elections anyway

spoilerJust seeing if this will rile up the other instance libs


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[-] SimulatedLiberalism@hexbear.net 9 points 1 year ago

No offense, because I understand a lot of the criticisms here, but do people really not care if the Republicans win?

Just remember that no matter how bad Biden is, the Republicans are going to be 10 times worse.

I am genuinely afraid of a Trump second term, and I really hope most of you are just trolling, because a lot of people are going to regret not voting when Trump finally wins.

[-] CombatLiberalism@hexbear.net 43 points 1 year ago

In good faith, as a non-american looking in, you aren't being given any real choice. You have a party that's constantly trying to push further towards fascism, and you have a party that's willing to enable that push without any significant resistance. Not only that, but the party that's doing the pushing doesn't even need to be the ones in power to make progress, because they know the enabler party is unwilling to use the power they have in any sort of effective way. Republicans have overturned Roe despite Biden being in power AND despite the fact that Democrats have been saying they'd codify it for years. Republicans are now introducing anti-trans legislation despite Biden being in power and I've seen next to no actual effective pushback from the Democratic party.

It's like a water slide, you can just sit normally on the slide and go down at a normal pace or actively lean back and go down faster, but you're going to end up in the pool either way. The way I see it, voting for either party still results in a slide towards fascism, the only harm reduction argument I can even see is that voting for Democrats would slow that slide by maybe a year or two at best.

[-] Rod_Blagojevic@hexbear.net 32 points 1 year ago

It's worse than enabling. The dems have the means to completely undermine any movement towards fascism by doing simple things like raising the minimum wage, but they just don't want to. It sounds painfully edgy to say it, but the dems aren't actually committed to opposing fascism.

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