The U.S. Army War College* has released a brief overview of "Lessons from the War in Ukraine".
For posting news about NATO's wars in Ukraine, Serbia, Kosovo, and The Middle East, including anywhere else NATO is currently engaged in hostile actions. As well as anything that relates to it.
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Anecdotally: I've run into a fair amount of veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars who are very vocal in their opinion that nobody should join the military right now. This isn't necessarily because they oppose US imperialism; some veterans do oppose it, but they've often ovecorrected and become extreme pacifists and Leo Tolstoy types. Most of the anti-military veterans I've met are actually rather proud of their "service," but they think the military is corrupt, the wars are unwinnable, and the common enlisted man is treated like shit. A former special forces guy I sort of know peripherally told me once, matter-of-factly, at a gathering we were both at: "in the the military, an attractive woman knows exactly the amount of value she has." Voices like these carry a lot of weight in the small towns and rural areas from which recruits are largely drawn.
What does that mean? Is that an euphemism for rape?
Or prostitution. Or getting positions for sexual favours.
Yep, pretty much. Or prostitution in one form or another, like REEEEvolution said below.