"this method of war can only be sustained by constant replacement of troops"
bu bu mah asiatic hordes 😭
"this method of war can only be sustained by constant replacement of troops"
bu bu mah asiatic hordes 😭
The needs of the U.S. Armed Forces for a Ukrainian-level war require a transition to conscription.
This would go very very badly.
lol, do it, the world needs more bourgeois fail-child commanding officers fragged to do fortnite dances over
The furry memes about fragging their officers would be so fucking weird, and yet I think they as a group would be some of the most likely to do it.
I’ll serve crack before I serve this country
same thing
Surely they could just...I don't know...not start any more wars? That would fix all their manpower shortages and logistics problems instantly.
Somehow I feel like they would rather go through 100 Ukraine wars rather than that though.
If they remove the bases around the globe, the vassals might start getting ideas
Surely they could just…I don’t know…not start any more wars?
That's the neat thing. They couldn't, if they don't want to collapse.
military doctors project a [KIA and WIA] casualty rate for the US Armed Forces of 3,600\day.
So they project this level of losses for US Armed Forces based on the Ukraine war, so considering USAF being better armed, this means they estimate (or even know) the AFU losses are much higher? Isn't that even higher than Russian estimations of AFU losses?
The alternate interpretation is that both countries are holding back their True Strength™ of Even More Deadly Weapons™
I don’t see any way that conscription would be a viable option. Nobody wants to go back to that. Vietnam killed it and GWOT is keeping it fresh in the minds of younger generations.
The needs of the U.S. Armed Forces for a Ukrainian-level war require a transition to conscription
I'm sure that will be popular
I’m sure that will be popular
They don't give a fuck imo, the US could start building gas chambers, the liberals of the world would still call them a democracy that failed to elect the good president
democracy who failed to elect the good president
What, are you from 2016? They can't fail even that now. It's Russian or Chinese meddling in their elections.
The propaganda arm of the government has completely painted all of this info as fake.
How will they possibly sell a draft against an enemy too weak to overrun Ukraine?
Why has recruitment dropped so much? I can understand Americans being reluctant to join the CIA, FBI and NSA. But the US army is still revered by many, and it has many perks.
War on Terror. Military and its benefits wascab easier sell pre 2001. Get money for college, learn a trade, see the world - its peace time, and because of The End of History there's never going beva real war. 9/11 caused a bump in blood and soil reaction requirement, but 20 years of getting shot at inbthe desert for no reason, 20 years of people you know coming back and being disabled or psychologically scarred or commiting suicide, 20 years of the gov not taking care of veterans from your commity that you know. All that eats away at that veneration - whether people express it that way or not.
Not to mention the monumental "Nothing" achieved by the vast majority of the war on terror (besides enriching the MIC, but that doesn't get trumpeted).
Americans across the entire political spectrum understand the War on Terror as an immense criminal act based on lies. Even those that still have an overall positive view of military personnel. It cannot be overstated just how much of a catastrophe that was -- obviously for the innocents -- but also for the military itself.
Most Americans may still be indoctrinated with various forms of shitlibbery but the US military has lost trust for generations. I don't think the US will ever be able to mobilize the meat fodder needed for a great power conflict without a draft and a draft would start a civil war. That's why these ghouls have to rely on vassals and PMCs now.
Anecdotally: I've run into a fair amount of veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars who are very vocal in their opinion that nobody should join the military right now. This isn't necessarily because they oppose US imperialism; some veterans do oppose it, but they've often ovecorrected and become extreme pacifists and Leo Tolstoy types. Most of the anti-military veterans I've met are actually rather proud of their "service," but they think the military is corrupt, the wars are unwinnable, and the common enlisted man is treated like shit. A former special forces guy I sort of know peripherally told me once, matter-of-factly, at a gathering we were both at: "in the the military, an attractive woman knows exactly the amount of value she has." Voices like these carry a lot of weight in the small towns and rural areas from which recruits are largely drawn.
They have extreme enlistment requirements. For example, if you have ADHD, Autism, or depression in any form, even if you have treatment or are completely the same as a nuerotypical person, you are still barred entry.
Same goes for any form of drug use. A whole list of genetic or physical issues, and so on. They’ve limited their pool significantly.
depression and drug use, physical issues
lmao, so basically no usian can make in, psychological problems are sky rocketing because of shit living conditions + fentanyl addicts + people with diseases from low quality food like high blood pressure or diabetes.
speaking serious now, i fucking bet that in case a war breaks out, they will lift these restrictions immediately and send the "undesirables" to die, with the exception of prisoners jails are private and having people release could result in profit loss.
They’ve already done that.
Look up “McNamara’s Morons”. The US lifted those restrictions during the Vietnam war, and those units had a casualty rate of nearly 3 times that of standard units.
MacNamara’s Morons
Every time i get to know something new about USA, it's yet another marg bar moment.
Well, good. Here's hoping the numbers keep dropping.
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