The U.S. Army War College* has released a brief overview of "Lessons from the War in Ukraine".
For posting news about NATO's wars in Ukraine, Serbia, Kosovo, and The Middle East, including anywhere else NATO is currently engaged in hostile actions. As well as anything that relates to it.
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Not to mention the monumental "Nothing" achieved by the vast majority of the war on terror (besides enriching the MIC, but that doesn't get trumpeted).
Americans across the entire political spectrum understand the War on Terror as an immense criminal act based on lies. Even those that still have an overall positive view of military personnel. It cannot be overstated just how much of a catastrophe that was -- obviously for the innocents -- but also for the military itself.
Most Americans may still be indoctrinated with various forms of shitlibbery but the US military has lost trust for generations. I don't think the US will ever be able to mobilize the meat fodder needed for a great power conflict without a draft and a draft would start a civil war. That's why these ghouls have to rely on vassals and PMCs now.
A draft wouldn't start a civil war, but it would be a speedrun of the public's response to the Vietnam War, including a disintegration of the Army's ability to fight and direct action against recruiting efforts. We'd likely see much more support for that direct action, too.
Unironically a draft would be the best opportunity for American MLs possible, short of federal bombing of American cities