Be it resolved that poopoo peepee
That's pretty sick
So basically the default state when you go to high is the thing kills you but this nerd figured out a narrow set of conditions that he had to undergo to have it not kill him?
Also I guess this is the last achievement right? Bc from this point you can just do this over and over?
Volcel police we have a live one
That tagline 😂
That's lovely... That's better
Coming out of left field here but looking back on your past, do you think ADHD might be in the cards for you? Just asking bc I was trapped in that cycle of posting and feeling shitty about not getting more done for years, I have been on antidepressants for a while and have felt "okay," certainly better than I did, no ideations etc, but still not totally with it. Two weeks ago I started ADHD treatment and the change has been extraordinary. I haven't felt this good since I was a teenager.
Racism and greed
The worst is when they do it with critical safety info
"The FDA just issued a safety recall on this common food item"
Long island lewk
This is really cool and doesn't look too difficult. What makes it poisonous? The lead soldering? I imagine it'd be fine with a respirator
I love stained glass and have always wondered how it's done
... I'm sorry you have ketchup flavor???
hand over the treats