Steam Games Made with Unity
Gaming on the GNU/Linux operating system.
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Oh good, so over half my Steam library
I feel for them because i switch games all the time on my deck, even with a 1tb sdcard on top of the 512gb, you have to remove games and install games all the time. I'm not going to feel guilty about this, they are my games, i paid for them and will install and uninstall as i see fit. Not out of malice, but because this is expected behavior. I imagine there are going to be a lot of lawsuits over this, and more than a few bankruptcies. They also can't remove games you've already paid for, so this is going to get interesting.
Unity made it clear that reinstalling on the same device doesn’t count. Though installing on multiple devices counts since they don’t track who installed it.
Interesting to see how they determine what a new "device" is, and how they record that. The EU will definitely have views.
They likely don’t track identities because that would be personal information, which is what GDPR protects.
@basxto I appreciate you running point for Unity on this, but "from various sources collected in compliance with all privacy laws" says nothing.
Easy enough to wait and see how they do phone home, and with what data they send back though.
Their posts sounded a lot like they already collected that data based their pricing on that. They are desperate to become profitable, I don’t think they themselves thought this was the best idea.
I would like to see godot rise.