Is there an update on 18.1?
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Just so I understand: You read and understood the article with the problems and realized that admins are working the problem… yet you decide that asking another time would add something of value to that matter
To be fair this is a 2 days old, and with this "new wave" coming so close you would expect things going faster on everything for better or for worse.
If they haven't make the change yet I would like to believe the environment has not changed so much since their last update.
I'd like to know why lemmy.world is so problematic would it be because of its large scale alone? I mean, Jerboa is unusable right now (update is coming) they had issues with Wefwef which were already fixed by communication between the devs and many other instance are updated so far.
Don't take my comment as a criticism, after all myself as many others chose lemmy.world as our main instance and we know they are doing their best.
Kay, yet I would let admins some leeway. They are doing a great job and they will inform everyone if there is something new to say… or give a countdown when this instance explodes 😂
A quick glaze into the support community with everyone posting these new posts about the missing update would really spoil my work as admin.