Blocking the bots has really gone a long way to make my Lemmy experience more enjoyable.
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Is it a matter of simply blocking the users that are bots?
Yeah that's what I've been doing
Blocking is good option to improve individual experience, but a flood of low effort, spammy content from bots makes a very bad first impression on newcomers.
Theres an option in your profile settings to hide bot accounts
In what client? I’m on Memmy and there doesn’t seem to exist such an option
You’re double posting.
Its not in memmy its via the lemmy web ui
Double posting??? And thanks btw
Im guessing its the memmy bug where it doesn’t seem to post so you hit submit again and then both go through
Oh crap, well thanks!
In what client? I’m on Memmy and there doesn’t seem to exist such an option
I just blocked the ones doing the reddit archiving. If a bot is annoying you just block it!
Is it a matter of simply blocking the users that are bots?
Because people think “content” is what makes this kind of site great. In reality it’s discussion.
To be fair, it's both. There is no discussion without content, so having some content helps to kickstart discussion. But excessive botspam just makes it look even emptier.
Yes you need content, but without the discussion the content is just a firehose of random garbage.
...and without content, there isn't any discussion to start with.
like i said, i agree that healthy discussion is the best, but we need something to kickstart it.
Ofc! It’s what made the platform i Refuse Entusiastically During Dis Intervention To Discuss so great!
Luckily there are a lot more users than there were a couple of weeks ago.
If anything is going to kill lemmy it will be these low effort content bots. Just post after post of either reddit reposts no one is replying to or random news links no one is replying to. When I scroll lemmy at night before bed 90% of the content is garbage with no comments posted to it.
It makes me want to go back to reddit in spite of it all.
ee is trying to fix that, we had a thread about bot infestations. We put rules in place for bot overrunning of feeds
Lemmit is a scourge. They claim to be trying to "bootstrap" Lemmy by providing content but so much of it is questions with no responses (on Lemmy) or Imgur links to deleted images.
I honestly wish the major instances would ban repost bots. We don't need to literally copy Reddit to Lemmy. It's just polluting it.
I don’t see the point in most. Like memes and news maybe but so many posts are meant to drive discussion or is a question
Day or two a go while browsing feed set to sort all and new, i saw there was a bot posting same news article three different communities, all different instances, and a another bot posting the same exact news article fourth time on the same community that allready posted.
I dont think it is necessary from bot to post same content on multiple communities.