Wait until pig cancer cells turn into sausages 90 times faster
Cool. Maybe, soon, they can turn me into a sausage?
Lab-grown meat is the way we're going to add long pork to our diets.
Uhh. That's meaningless? What's the energy/resource usage comparison.
Every one of these claims so far has been 100% Elon Musk style “FSD is ready to ship right now in 2017” kinds of claims.
There was a great article in the New Yorker (or one of those style mags) a month or so ago that just ripped the industry apart about the billions of dollars spent on products that were overhyped and never shipped. I know that we’re feeling the pain of contraction right now, but we were dumping buckets of money into ideas that were not vetted - it was like the late 90s.
So, like with autopilot for cars, I will believe it when I see it.
Does this mean no more plastic fed to pigs?
So when can we realistically expect this to be a thing?
This stuff was basically ready to go minus scaling up two decades ago. They were still working on adding marbling and texture into steaks that could fool you in a blind test, but amazed it’s taken this long to get to sausages.