So... was this guy's (future) brother-in-law a lawyer or just some random dude who read stuff on the internet? Because I'm guessing the latter.
Maybe, in a sense, all of your sovcit associates are your 'brothers-in-law', in that the common thread that binds you together is similar (mis-)conception of the legal framework that society exists in.
On the topic of "Do I have to identify myself" or "Do I have to sign the ticket":
The default option is jail. A cop can put you in jail for any reason if he determines you might be breaking the law. It's literally their job. Agreeing to be identified gives them a reason to let you go, agreeing to appear in court of your own will for an infraction gives them a reason to not hold you until a forced court date.
I'm of the party that you should only cooperate the bare minimum with the police and I believe they have too much power as it is. But don't refuse to identify yourself and don't refuse to sign a ticket. Not unless you want a tour of the county jail.
Yes, but they have the "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start" of how to communicate with police, you see.
Yeah, annoy them with nonsense until they decide to just be spiteful to drive you out of town.
You are legally required to identify yourself and show your drivers license (or equivalent) and proof of insurance. These are the rules you agree to when you pull your car out onto a public road.
It is not optional. It's not just a "good idea". It's the law.
That only applies to the driver, of course. As a passenger, I think you're only required to identify yourself if you are a suspect in a crime. That's where it gets murky and where state laws/policies add nuance.
It says a lot about these people that they didn't even have a car charger for their phone.
I'm convinced that whoever started this "movement" was either trolling or in the middle of a manic episode and a bunch of people reading 8chan rants apparently went, "yeah that seems believable".
It actually dates back to the 1970s!
It's definitely 4chan/qAnon-level smoothbrain trolling
If you believe you’re a state national, you’re as much of one as anyone
That's their problem, they don't Believe. As shown in the historical documentary The Polar Express, you need to Believe for things to be real. Otherwise all the bells you ring will sound hollow.
They actually have "state assemblies", where they get these special passports and ID from a site called Copper Moonshine Distillery. The site is astonishingly crazy.
... What did I just read? Wow.
They give this person money for an American state national passport, which they use at traffic stops. It's wild.
I feel like this was a joke that went to far. The shit these people come up with is pure pants on head stupid. Like you have to have an IQ hovering around 9 to believe this shit.
I promise you not one of them has what would be considered an above average intellect.
I don't doubt it, I'm just confused how people are this stupid. They literally have the entire history of humans and all scientific discoveries ever, right on their phones, yet here we are.
Imagine you're in a library filled with the world's knowledge. You don't have any context for where anything is, what's real information, fiction, fact, or just ideas.
Now imagine you can search, but only for key words or vague information. But someone you trust, who you don't have any reason to doubt, shows you these books in the legal section. They are complicated, but they do a good job of explaining how they work.
This is basically how any misinformation spreads on the internet. Everyone has the world's knowledge at their finger tips, but not everyone knows how to find what they need. Those people rely of others to help them and are taken advantage of. This may very well have started as a joke, but sovcits have been given this information as fact and convinced that anyone who tells them otherwise is just ignorant or deliberately against them.
I do believe this is compounded by the fact you simply cannot trust anything you read these days. There are no reliable sources and any news you read could very easily be deliberate propaganda or (more likely) just misinformed and framed in a way to get more views.
Not a bad way to explain it.
yes haha sovcit haha BUT
fuck cops. "do this or I'm taking you to jail" and they dont even know if they legally can. fuckers.
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