This would be better if the red circle didn't cover the article dates.
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August 14th, 2020
December 1st, 2022
February 26th, 2023
There's also "I Divorced My Husband Because I Couldn’t Trust Him With My Money"From december 2022
a librarian, i see
Doing the Lord's work.
Lazy NZ singer.
Perpetual victim. Seen it. I call it Pretty Girl Syndrome.
"Everyone treats me like gold because I'm beautiful!"
And then she's shocked when anyone tells her to get bent.
Finally some fad I can identify with, except I'm not a girl. And I'm not pretty. And I'm not Syndrome. But everybody treats me like gold (I'm heavy and malleable)
If you are good at inventing doomsday weapons, you could become Syndrome!
And I’m not Syndrome.
You could become Syndrome!
We could ALL become Syndrome!
And when everyone is Syndrome, no one will be…
Hey baby are you gold? Cause I wanna pack you away in fort Knox surrounded by guards never to be seen again by most human eyes
It really is a thing. I went on one date with this super attractive redhead, and we were planning a second date, but I canceled because the time we were supposed to have together she whittled down (on the morning of) to just a couple hours she could pencil me in for. She got annoyed with me and became passive-aggressive because I didn't want to drive for two and a half hours round trip to her town for a two-hour date.
I didn't like the passive-aggression and explained that to her kindly. She got even more passive-aggressive at that. I told her I was no longer interested in dating her. She went ballistic, shit-talking me in a mutual FB group we were a part of, stalking my posts and comments on there so that she could add heart reacts to every single one before I blocked her.
I really should have known better than to try to date her as the first time I got to know her was when I was on vacation with my girlfriend in New Orleans where this woman and her husband were celebrating their one-year anniversary and we all met up for dinner, and she later told me they had a knock-down, drag-out fight in their hotel room.
So she was married? No judgement, but might explain why she didn't have time for you.
Lol, I put that last bit there without explanation for the shock value because the people seem to love this. But yes, we were all polyamorous. She was married, I had a girlfriend and a nesting partner, my girlfriend had a boyfriend who had a wife who wanted to date me (I declined because she practiced polyamory unethically), and my nesting partner had a girlfriend.
The woman I was interested in dating, I knew she didn't have a whole lot of free time...neither did I truth be told...but I turned her down not because she had other partners and a busy life but because of the way she responded to me. It was basically, "Um, how dare you cancel plans with me after I took an extra morning shift on the day of our date leaving you with only two hours and with you having to do all the driving for over two and a half hours during rush hour traffic!" She was so used to people falling all over her because of how attractive she was, and it was really off-putting.
Yup. Those poor kids are stuck dealing with it too.
Holy shit, her entire catalog is a dumpster fire of insecurity.
Is this maybe just creative writing?
I mean the author is on medium to get followers and make money. No one wants to read a blog about how uninteresting someone's life is.
It has to be, and many of the articles use stock photos and generic writing. Maybe just like rage bait?
I mean, she posts to a blog called “vain asylum,” so she’s at least self aware.
Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say that Elle Silver seems like a bitch you don't want to be with.
Fucked Around and Found Out
Fuck around and find out, maybe?
Feces Acceptata, Feces Oblatae
It’s latin for “garbage in, garbage out”
Vain Asylum sounds about right
Did she write the "I cheated on my husband" article while still married to him? That's amazing
Looks like there's some highly tarnished Silver available if anyone's interested.
Ok just my opinion, so clearly there might be some flack from the community, but I am glad she writes articles like this. It seems to be her form of outlet to process her emotions, decisions and their consequences. I think that is what these articles are an account from a person who knows they are flawed, knows they do not make the right decisions but are making decisions that are against common sense and she is documenting it as she goes. It is fascinating and past the schadenfreude that her consequences have given, the handful of articles I have quickly glanced she seems to be brutality honest discussion about her decisions and her struggles with the consequences.
Man, divorced women sure do have it rough
Really feels like all of these can be true at the same time. She says in the article she doesn’t promote cheating, that it was wrong, and that it didn’t fix the problems she was facing in her marriage. Divorces suck. There’s a reason they’re a flash point for manosphere grifters to latch onto. The family unit is a means of wealth redistribution. We have a system where doing the right thing and ending a shitty relationship means you now have to pay double your bills with the same income and you’re also losing tax credits and sometimes benefits.
Really feels like all of these can be true at the same time
I think it's impossible to cheat on your spouse while being a good parent. Show your kids how adults handle relationships, not teenagers.