I also wear Auras and I feel you on that...they really make you stick out like a sore thumb. This isn't exactly answering your question, but:
After seeing your post I started searching around about black Auras, and while they don't exist I did find some info on a different mask (Laianzhi HX1002) which is a KN100 that comes in black and seems promising. Don't have time right now to do anything other than dump a bunch of links, but I hope they might be helpful (I'm considering ordering a few to try them out):
If anyone has any personal experience with these I'd love to hear it! The main complaint seems to be that the bottom strap is too long, but it seems like Laianzhi provides strap adjusters with the respirators (one thing that's not clear to me is whether you only get those if you get a whole box or if they are included in each sealed respirator package, which is something I might inquire about).