The Red Green show. Used to watch it on PBS with my dad when I was a kid.
A place to ask Canadians questions and get answers. The most obvious questions would be about Canada, but you can ask about pretty much anything; news, current events, society, etc
I don't intend this as an AMA format, but can entertain some. Rules:
- Be civil and act in good faith.
- No trolling.
Loved that show.
Every episode is on their YouTube channel ;)
Trailer Park Boys
Way she goes
Way of the fuckin' VLC machine?!?
Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't.
Kids in the Hall 100%, I know it was popular stateside and if corner gas has dated references, it absolutely does, but it's an absolute classic and some of the recurring bits still pop into my head from time to time.
SCTV, specifically Bob & Doug. SCTV was asked to add two minutes of explicitly Canadian content to an already very Canadian show and the result was the Great White North and the Mackenzie brothers.
Along with SCTV, Bizarre and Kid in the Hall were god damned hilarious! They were like a maple flavoured Monty Python.
I forgot about Bizarre. God I miss Super Dave.
- The Odyssey
- Red Green Show
- The old YTV PJ stuff
- Fred Penner's Place
- Mr Dressup
- Anne of Green Gables
- Due South
- This Hour Has 22 Minutes
- Royal Canadian Air Farce
- Kids In The Hall
- Hockey Night In Canada
- Jonovision
I think I'm showing my exact age with a few of these
Great list, i will also add
- Reboot
Ack! How'd I forget that one!? I even have it on DVD
I suspect we're of similar ages, since I had to scroll down this far to find Due South.
"You know we just took out seven guys? One more and you qualify for American citizenship."
Trailer park boys. I think it's the only Canadian show that has really exploded outside of Canada all the way to Europe. It's also so revolutionary. I always hear about how original the UK office was with their mockumentary style, yet trailer park boys did it first.
Anyways, I would rather shove hot needles up my urethra then watch a full episode of corner gas.
Oldest: Kids in the Hall (You want something to drink? You want a beer, or do you want to drink out of the toilet like I do?)
Older: Red Green Show (Remember, you may have to grow old, but you don't have to mature.)
Recent: Trailer Park Boys (I’m not the kind of person to say atoadaso, but you know what? Atoadaso. A fuckin atoadaso.)
Newest: Shoresy (Your mum’s twat’s so swampy not even Duck’s Unlimited will touch ‘er.)
If the women don't find you handsome they should at least find you handy
I can't believe no one has mentioned Reboot!
That's specifically Canadian?
Edit: I have no clue, I just assumed it wasn't because.....I don't know why. Regardless, great show.
Yup, it was made in Canada.
Huh, that's one new thing I learned today.
Any of those cgi animated shows from the 90s were most likely Canadian
The donkey kong show was Canadian as well
Someone below reminded me of Letterkenny, it is definitely full of Canadian culture. There's Murdoch Mysteries which has lots of historic Canadian sites. There's Trailer Park Boys, and lesser known was Psy-Factor (?) which was a Canadian X-Files.
Ahhh, Kids in the Hall is it.
I probably have seen some of the other stuff on TV at some point, but that and SCTV are all that come to mind, and SCTV I never saw back then, it was only after the internet that I finally saw some, so I don't know if it counts for what you're asking.
Kinda strange considering how many of the SCTV cast are on my list of favorite comedic actors.
This Hour Has 22 Minutes. Started in 1993 and still airs today.
Anyone remember Kenny vs Spenny??
Kim's Convenience. I miss that show 🥲
S.C.T.V. for sure.
And when I was younger, The Friendly Giant.
Corner Gas, Trailer Park Boys, Red Green Show, Schitt's Creek, Mr. D
More recently I started watching 19-2 and it's a really good one as well.
Trailer Park Boys, and I totally forgot Kids in the Hall was Canadian until I saw it in other posts.
- Mr. Dressup
- Circle Square
- Danger Bay
- The Racoons
- Switchback
So so many from my childhood.
Edited: Removed Romper Room, I could have sworn it was Canadian, but apparently not. Replaced it with Circle Square (it's creepy Canadian Cousin)
As an Aussie of a certain age: Degrassi
Are You Afraid of the Dark? / Fais-moi peur
The raccoons / Les amis ratons
For stuff only from Québec
La petite vie
Le cœur a ses raisons
In the order they popped into my head:
Letterkenny, Canada’s Worst Driver, The Red Green Show, Degrassi
The order that they popped into my head
Todd and the book of pure evil
Letterkenny (Dan Petronijevic was amazing in this as well as in Todd as the metal dude)
Trailer park boys
Le maître du jeu (aka Taskmaster Canada), if game shows count.
I know it's Quebecois and not really full Canadian, but it's awesome. English subtitles are also available.
The Beachcombers was big in the 70s.
I'm probably showing my age but I can't believe no-one has mentioned Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High. I grew up with Joey, Wheels, Snake, Spike, Stephanie etc. Looking back, that was a pretty hard-hitting show aimed at teenagers.
Love Corner Gas