Edit: I'm always willing to invite folks unless stated otherwise
For anyone that wants beta access just add me on Steam, no need to send a message or anything. The only requirement is that you have a non-limited Steam Account, aka, you've spent at least 5β¬ on Steam.
The Invite will take up to a day to be send out by Steam, and I might not always be awake to immediately add you.
Here's my friend code: 180260951
And my profile URL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/idiot-mit-lizenz
And here's proof that I have access to the Beta:
Quick FAQ:
Q: Do you need to be friends for at least X days to send an Invite?
A: Nope, upon accepting a friend request the invite can be send out immediately
Q: Is there a limit to how many people can be invited?
A: Also nope, the only limit is the friends list, and if that happens I can just remove some folks
Q: Do i need to keep you in my friends list to continue playing the Beta?
A: Once again, nope, when you get the notif you've been invited, simply accept it and you can remove me from your friends list