With that green colour, oven placement would be very much a secondary concern.
Terrible Estate Agent Photos
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Thank you for saying exactly what I was thinking. If they painted it and changed those ugly ass cupboards it wouldn't be a bad kitchen.
Yeah, it wouldn't take much - new doors and some paint. Happy days.
I feel like having everything prepped right there next to you would probably be a benefit not a detriment. The colors will eat your soul though - absolutely horrid.
I must be weird. I kinda like it. It keeps the grease and heat away from the rest of the prep space.
Really depends where the fridge is... Triangle is optimal, but if the fridge and sink both require walking around that counter it's gonna get annoying fast.
Also lets them have a little breakfast area as well.
Seems like the most efficient use of space to me.
It looks like a good use of space if you have never really used a kitchen before. Very difficult to use in any real world cooking scenario.
There should be laws stopping people who don't use kitchens from designing them. I see so many terrible choices like this.
The kitchen is overall hideous, but I do like that generous prep space adjacent to the cook top.
Turn oven 90° counterclockwise, counter along the wall left of the oven instead of where it is now.
Bonus: You can now have storage above the counter!
I'm with you. I kind of like it over there keeping its mess to itself. Kind of dig the green too.
Placement of the oven does not concern me, what does and always do, is that pathetic exhaust fan above it, which may or may not be connected to the outside by a duct, but in either situation, it's a low quality system that does not even remove 50% of the cooking aroma, it's like no one has ever figured out how to make one for home use that is effective and not sound like a jet engine. I've seen $2 million dollar condos that have that problem.
Ok it's not just me. The one in my house clearly had a duct but the previous owners removed it. Now the range hood exhausts out the front directly into your face.
Maybe they had an olfactory disability and needed assistance with identifying when they were poorly cooking their meals
I've lived in a couple of apartments in Norway where they had a genius solution to the problems you mention (except the jet engine sound): it sends all odours to your NEIGHBOURS who have their kitchen right above or below yours 😎
(warning:it works both ways. So if your neighbours are cooking you better turn it on, and you better set it to superjet mode, because the strongest decides where the odours go.)
I love to imagine the excitement of these listing agents when they see a spike in views hahah
Naughty cooks are sent to the Oven Dungeon
I kind of like the place one of the oven.
You can open the door and there's no way it's going to block the path for anybody else who's walking in the kitchen. So you got a lot of people in there cooking say for Thanksgiving no worries.
It would also be very hard for say a kid to come in on the side and potentially get hurt. I know there have been many times I've had to keep a sharp eye on some very curious young ones.
Cleaning it might be a bitch though.
This house is pretty cute (and priced within reach!), but that kitchen would annoy me...https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2429-Woodley-Rd-Montgomery-AL-36111/72810736_zpid/
Well it’s priced that way because Alabama. No one wants to live in AL.
Is it that cheap just because it’s in Alabama?
I pay like double that for a flat
Tear out that oven, hood, and the extended counter to its right.
Replace with new oven and hood, rotated 90° so they're facing into the kitchen.
- Wood stain newly cleaned wood.
I dig the oven placement. If I need to chop something, the counter is right there and I can have a beer closeby. Less space for people to crowd around you getting to other areas of the kitchen.
Not me fucking up my sims kitchen for the 6th time in a row
That's an.... odd... placement. I do like the counter immediately next to the stove like that, but, yeah .... no.
I thought the same thing, but it needs to be shorter!
Tbh that counter would be a great staging area for all my little stir fry ingredient bowls
Assuming you didn't knock your hip while rounding the corner and spilling them everywhere!
It's the sink being so far away from the stove that bothers me. Those two things need to be together
The absolute worst part about this picture is the gas stove with a fake vent hood
Maybe those are fake cabinets that are just hiding the channel for the vent?
Probably not, but it's nice to dream I guess.
They're not fake since they have hinges, but the wall they're against looks to be exterior considering the placement of the window, so they might have an actual vent and some extra storage around the outlet.
It's so you can easily get to the vent for maintenance or repairs, I've seen this sort of "fake" cabinet before.
It's like they built the kitchen, then suddenly remembered after the fact that maybe a stove would be a nice idea.
I think doing that little loop around the counter every time you tend to the stove would get real old real fast.
Everyone is fixated on the stove but nobody noticed there wasnt a fridge
Probably behind the photographer
It's weird. But could be conducive to good kitchen practices regarding ingredient prep/mise en place and sticking to a recipe instead of cooking on the fly and cutting stuff up when you should be at the stove. You'd need to stick to a workflow... But I mostly agree. I prefer cooking chaotically.
I didn't think a galley-style kitchen could get worse 😒
Yeah no. I had a kitchen with a similar wider end and that is perfect for a table, it even has a window ! The commitment to the green is a power choice, I would probably only keep the green doors and get the rest in a neutral colour.
I also kinda think this is a lot of storage space, I would be happy exchanging some for a dinig area.