I'm in CET as well and would be happy to play a one or two -shot with a seasonal theme. I'll be available most CET evenings in the time range.
Tabletop Rpg posts, content, and recruitment posts.
Recruitment posts should contain what system is being played, CW for any adult/serious themes players need to be aware of and whether a game is beginner friendly.
An obvious reminder of no racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia and transphobia.
Emphasis on small independent rpgs like the ones in the TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Texas but not against dnd stuff.
I've filled the 22nd and 29th with CET primetime already but if I get another group together for that time-zone I'll send you a message
Would you be available 16:00 CET on October 31st?
16:00 CET is still during the workday. I can do 17:00, but 16:00 is too early.
i think 17:00 should work. i'll confirm with you next week
Shit, I'd be down. I'm on the US west coast so it's unlikely that I could get a time that works good for me but I'd love to join if I could
What is the earliest time you could do? Are you available on the 31st?
Thursday is a working day for me so I got to be out the door by 1 PST. I have no idea what that translates to in whatever time zone the rest of you are in
are you open to something kinda early like 8am/9am to noon?
no, because I completely and utterly forgot that I do in fact have a thing already that day. I am so sorry to do this to you
I wanna have a night at the opera~ (DG)
I've only ever been able to read scenarios and the source books (via pirated pdf lol), I was never able to convince my friends to try it
I have some time off between those dates, and I took Gay Christmas (Halloween) off as vacation at work lol
Are you available the 31st?
Are you open to something that would be morning for you starting around 8/9 am?
Yeah, I'd probably already be up by then lol, I wake up early
Ok great I'm thinking something around 9:00 AM est on the 31st of October
Not available any of these times (Running my own games incl. a halloween Dread one shot) but I'd love to try Delta Green sometime!
Sounds good, we are actually connected on discord, I played in a Stars without Number game with you
Yooooo! I didn't recognize your username at first, that's awesome!