"No pussy for me, thanks."
I only want coccckkkkk!
For those worried, Black Cat eventually wins this fight lol.
Huh, so that's where junji ito's spider cats originate from
Spider-Man is gay: confirmed.
His dancing made me gay years ago.
You would be too if you had this big hunk of love waiting for you back home.
Or maybe he really needed to take a dump right then
God, I wish.
Love the modern Spider-Man issue where Black Cat almost starts puking when she learns the Spider-Man she's been courting all this time was just a kid.
Man, I think that issue might be older now than the OP was when it was released. One of my favorite Ultimate Spider-Man moments though, right next to the issue where Wolverine and Spider-Man have a Freaky Friday and ends with this:
"No way, cat"
Peter's true love.
Out of Context Comics
Comic panels taken out of comics so we can make fun of them!! We love the golden age stuff!
Comics must come from actual comic books. No AI or Photoshops.
Single panels are preferred.
Comics should be unintentionally funny. Spider-man cracking wise is not what this is about.
Don't be a dick.
I can't believe I've had to add this... NO RACISM.