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Bitch, I'm A Bus
apparently we don't have any bus emojis so you'll just have to substitute these
thank you for bullying cyber truck owners
Cybercuck is no measure for the bus’ POWERFUL HAUNCHES
- "revenue service" - i infer this maybe refers to an advanced phase of a bus driver training program where paying passengers are on the bus?
- "DMV" - Department of motor vehicles, the government agency responsible for issuing driving licenses in many US states
- "DL170" - this maybe? a form certifying completion of an "Employer Testing Program", where an employer operates their own driving tests which the state's DMV recognizes?
- "VTT" - "Verification of Transit Training" i guess?
- "CDL" - Commercial driver's license
(Congrats, OP!)
10/10. Next time, for bonus points, lightly scrape against it and peel one of the stainless panels off like the foil covering of a yogurt container.
Congrats on your accomplishment!
Everyone else, remember to thank your bus driver.
bus drivers continue to rule
I could live on cybertruck Elon fanboy L's
I love y'all so much, as I get busier my poasting will not be as intense but I'm still here in spirit