[-] the_post_of_tom_joad@hexbear.net 1 points 40 minutes ago

contracted by default

Cool, what others are there? Also, goofy question: what's the relative strength of this 'outer anus'? It wasn't listed in my search for strongest muscles and most results are tips on gaining anus strength

[-] the_post_of_tom_joad@hexbear.net 5 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

I know from first hand experience you can't do it by accident as one time, hung over and showering in the dark in the early morning i got a little dizzy and sat down.

Perfectly meeting my starfish to the shampoo bottle on the floor. It could not have been more on target had i attempted this.

I shot up, seeing stars like for real for only the second time in my life. I wasnt dizzy, I was up and at em' baby. Wooo what a rush! Hurt a lot for a minute. Hard as i sat down I don't think that bottle tip made it a millimeter into my pooper.

So yeah, impossible

Since you asked me to be real, I love you dirt_owl, in a manner of speaking, whether you're a good person or not. Eat that.

[-] the_post_of_tom_joad@hexbear.net 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Something wrong with my browser? Using FF to visit the site the photo was not visible and no amount of fingerfucking the screen would get it to come up. It's me, isn't it?

If it hits different coming from the outside my friend, i fight this feeling also and see you very well. Lets hold hands and keep going, shall we?

"look at this reckless campaign. ours is better"

Wait he literally said "generic thanks"?

[-] the_post_of_tom_joad@hexbear.net 18 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Trump Endorses Harris' 3rd Term Bid

[-] the_post_of_tom_joad@hexbear.net 38 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Wasn't this exact liberal fever dream lampooned by a post in hexbear this week? Or were they dreaming of W? Now it's real. I just can't deal with this onion-ass shit being real.

AND like, don't get me started on libs not seeing their universally-reviled Cheney's approval as a bad sign for dem voters. How. How?

[-] the_post_of_tom_joad@hexbear.net 29 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I don't like folding at all, i don't care if downvotes happen, votes are meaningless. If folding happens, votes become more important and people must bend towards the mean of "respectable" opinions to even be heard at all. Folding comments is the far worse and pervasive form of content moderation on Reddit (s'why i hate it with a passion)

Civility is not the shining hilltop we should be striving towards, civility towards hate is unacceptable to me for example. i feel your ideas here though presented well would only allow for more abuse and more echoey chamberpots.

Rolling pronouns? (hexbear.net)

Ok so i learned about a person coming out as non binary recently and this reminded me of my confusion about (i think they're called rolling pronouns) she/they and he/they specifically.

I have looked around at some sites speaking to it but none of them have made it clear to me whether use of "her" or "him" instead of "theirs" in the case of someone who wishes for (s)he/they is misgendering.

I had (mis)understood before that (s)he/they meant they were fine with either their gendered pronoun AND the gender free option, but am i way off base? Is the "they" not an option?

Apologies if this is breaking rules or has been answered, i didn't see anything on the sidebar so here goes nothin...

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