this post was submitted on 07 Dec 2024
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Obviously not played much yet. Though i fear twitchiness is gonna to be much greater than in 1. Also i can't play for shit in every class except sorcerer, with warrior and monk i can't even kill fucking Miller lol (first intorductory boss).

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[–] 11 points 3 months ago (1 children)

It's slower so far, plays more like a souls game, which many don't like. But the old poe was just deleting everything for twenty hours with over powered skills and not actually engaging with anything until near the end of campaign.

So I'm enjoying it, playing as a warrior. About halfway thru act 1. it is quite slow, and bosses require some attempts as you will die until you know what moves must be avoided and what moves you merely should kinda absorb.

I'm playing on ps5 so if it gets really twitchy I'll probably drop it. But the game was running like leaden ass last night with constant lag spikes and input delay so maybe it'll feel okay without that.

[–] 8 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I actually hate it very much. Act 1 should not feel like endgame. Last boss in A1 is about as fun as tearing teeth, his fog phase is complete bullshit, i'm getting Sirius vibes from him, though he's not oneshotting me, he's 3 shotting me but those attacks are nearly unavoidable and he restricts you to the small area with strong adds.

[–] 8 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

How many skeletons can I summon and how expensive is it gonna be for me to summon enough of them to do maps. That's all I need to know

[–] 5 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

If you equip scepter with skeleton skill and also skeleton skill from crystal by the end of act 1 you get 5, maybe 6. less if you use other minions or passive skills.

And, it's not gonna be enough, they had a "great" idea of everything having like 5 times more HP than it should so every fight is absolute slog. Don't even ask about bosses, they are slightly easier than PoE end game bosses, BUT THIS IS ACT 1, you gonna dodge hundreds of times and boss fights are also 5 times longer than they should. Oh, and skeletons are also frail so boss just smack them and go for you, you cannot spam them and they are ignored by most mobs who just go for you.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (2 children)

It's a good thing PoE1 will still be running, sounds like that game is more your speed

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Nah PoE1 has crippling QoL issues, Last Epoch is currently my favourite hack & slash

[–] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I thought LE had a similar pacing to what little I've played of PoE2 so far, but it's been a while

[–] 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I think it lies somewhere between PoE1 and PoE2 in pacing, though that strongly depend on build. I played few that was basically PoE1 cathegory "delete 2 screen worth of mobs at once" and one "basically facetank all but one or two bosses but it take ages" tanky. Though imo strongest part of LE which i already see PoE2 failed incredibly hard is game difficulty scaling. LE can be as hard as you want or are able to go, PoE2 makes you shit bricks in act one of story.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I wish this was true. POE 1 is my favorite game ever. GGG was supposed to release the next POE 1 expansion this month but they delayed it until March. In the past, POE 1 expansions lasted for 3 months. By the time the current POE 1 expansion ends, it will have run for 7 months. We lost an entire POE 1 expansion because of this POE 2 release and it's likely GGG will cut POE 1 development even more.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Damn that was my favorite thing about PoE just filling a room with skeletons and watching the chaos

I mean witch is possibly the strongest class, but most opinions are that minions are underwhelming.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Yo 1 day late but I got through act 1 mostly by summoning skeletons and it was pretty smooth. After act 1 you don't have many summoner skills that are good for damage except the Raging Spirit buff (summons floating skulls that deal fire damage when you cast fire spells). Using Raging Spirits by itself ends up being the best choice for acts 2 and 3. By act 3 you get access to another good minion, the skeleton reaver, and later in act 1 cruel you get the skeleton brute. These are fairly strong.

If you wanna play summoner it definitely works but be ready to see them die a lot unless you get decent gear that keeps the alive. A sceptre with +1 to level of all minion skills is mandatory as soon as you can find it. Later on (act 2) you will get +2 to level of all minion skills. Also around act 2 it will be possible to find a helmet with +1 minion skills too, but it might be pretty hard to get one. Both of those things will keep your minions alive and dealing decent damage. Then you just grab minion nodes on the tree and they'll be even better. Once you get to cruel difficulty you'll have a minon army.

People are pretty divided on the game so far, it's definitely very difficult which can be polarizing. I'm loving the difficulty personally, but I will definitely agree with dead that it feels too scarce atm. If you don't constantly check the vendors every time you level up, you'll fall behind on gear progression and you won't find much loot on the ground, so the vendors are the key to keeping pace. The game also seems to make it difficult to change your character around significantly; if you're deadset on minions you'll be fine, but I wanted to go cold spells after act 3 and found it nearly impossible to make the transition work since I had few resources to rework my character.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Is PoE2 accessible at all to someone who has played maybe 30 minutes of an ARPG before? (PoE1 like 7 years ago lol).

I caught a stream showing the start of the game, and I was a little disappointed to see that the game looks like it bombards you with information you would only know from playing PoE1 or other ARPGs. I don't need the game to hold my hand or anything like that, but I've been kinda interested in getting started with some ARPGs since I'm unfamiliar with the genre and am not willing to give Blizzard money for Diablo.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Is PoE2 accessible at all to someone who has played maybe 30 minutes of an ARPG before?

Depend what other thing you played, it actually do play A LOT like 3rd person action game with timely dodges and such, but as someone who play hack & slash (but refuse to use the misleading label ARPG) since diablo 1 i said it's inaccessible to me. Also i wonder what the chat dudes are smoking saying it it about as hard as Diablo 2, no, it's MUCH harder.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

The game does bombard you with information, it explains everything in case you're not familiar. It's a fairly deep game, has lots of mechanics to learn. It's a big time investment to get familiar with it, but most of the non-ARPG players who have tried it out seem to really enjoy it, and it seems to onboard those players well enough. It'll be free eventually so if you don't wanna take the risk you can wait until next year.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

BTW, the game starts at level 70 when you gain access to The Atlas. Everything that you do before reaching level 70 is only the tutorial for POE 2.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Yes, as in every other game in the genre, problem is, i can't get there, which is totally first time in the genre. And i noticed even the anti fun brigate complains about Act 2 and class ascenscion.

Though i suppose that the end game could be actually easier than the act 1 because looking at the skill system (which is awesome) and passives, there is no chance in hell that we won't soon get really OP builds. Problem is, while PoE 1 was game which already strongly encouraged playing meta because of very complicated builds, in PoE 2 it is even more complicated due to the skills and passives synergy AND the default punishing difficulty level will make this even more the problem.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Just go though it at your own pace. I'm just at act 2 currently despite starting with the others.

Poe encouraged palying meta because of the time and currency investment of not doing so in the at times overtuned league mechanics. If you can't play 24/7 and do not have the motivation for multiple chars, then you want to get the most out of your time.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I'm a new player to POE, and I'm honestly loving it so far. Maybe that's cos I am a bit of a souls fiend but honestly, loving the more deliberate combat - but that said, I'll need to give more classes a go first before having a full opinion

[–] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Did you finished first act?

[–] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

not yet, still working on it - only played a few hours so far, gonna try and finish off act 1 today :)

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Last boss in A1 is the one insufferable, i researched as much as i could and you do absolutely need to be either overelevelled or/and have reflex good enough to perfeclty dogde his fog phase, except that he's mostly also just huge HP sponge like all other bosses.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Only could beat him after upgrading my life flask, getting some extra life on my gloves and a better weapon.

Trying to do that, but drops are abysmal, bosses don't even drop yellow weapons most of the time.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

just beat him! took me about 5 or 6 tries - the fog is anxiety inducing hahaha but once I realised he rushes in after each voice line finished, it was a matter of just getting the timing down and either killing the adds or dodging until the phase was over and he killed them himself

also took me a while to not take hits from his meteor attack, but i got it down in the end. Not sure what counts as overlevelled here, I didn't grind and I was level 16 when I beat him - I'm now on to Act 2 :))

[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

once I realised he rushes in after each voice line finished, it was a matter of just getting the timing down and either killing the adds or dodging until the phase was over and he killed them himself

Yes i know it too, but simply can't do it, 20 or so attempts, i guess this game isn't made for age 50+ disabled people, strange all others in the genre apparently are.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Try to improve your armor parts and weapon. Can't have bullshit wolfpack phases if you beat the shit out of him beforehand.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Did anyone even managed to kill him that fast?

[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

After I upgrades whatever I could I killed him after one bullshit phase.

It really is the worst bossfight so far.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

There was a patch around yesterday and i feel like the game suddenly become easier, so i was able to beat him, probably because they improved dodge so mobs block you way less. They also improved loot, more yellow items and slightly more orbs drop now.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

POE 2 feels really bad. I've done 40/40 on 10 POE expansions (completed the game 100%, 10 times).

It feels like POE 2 was modeled after Ruthless Mode in POE 1. Ruthless Mode is a game mode in POE 1 that is only really liked by one streamer named Kripparian. Kripparian is a blizzard-fanboy who only played POE 1 in the beta and complains that POE 1 is too rewarding and easy. One time I watched a Kripparian video where he explained that he buzzes his hair short because he doesn't shower often and doesn't want people to notice from greasy hair. Ruthless mode has existed in POE 1 for 5 POE expansions now. Every expansion Kripparian plays ruthless mode for 1-2 weeks and then quits because it's too hard to play the game with barely any items. (Duh!)

Ruthless mode is a mode of POE 1 where the crafting bench is removed, monsters barely drop any loot, skill gems are only obtained from monster drops, bosses go back to full HP when you die, all movement skills have been removed. Everyone in the POE 1 community hates ruthless mode. Only like less than 1% of POE 1 players think that ruthless mode is good. Nobody who plays Ruthless Mode has actually even completed the game.

All of the characteristics of Ruthless Mode have transferred to POE 2. There's no movement skills, you can only dodge roll. If you become surrounded, you are trapped and die. You can't move through enemies at all, Normal monsters take 5-6 hits to kill. Barely any loot drops. If you die, the whole zone repopulates and resets and you lose any items that were on the ground. Bosses are very difficult to kill. Most of the bosses have abilities that are hard to avoid and kill you in 1 hit. If you die, the boss respawns with full health. The bosses drop very little loot. You will lose 10 times to every boss before beating it. Almost everything kills you in 1 hit because barely any items drop and they removed most of the defensive passives from the passive tree. There's very high difficulty and very little reward.

I'm wishing GGG would have just released another POE1 expansion instead of this. The next POE1 expansion (3.26) was supposed to be released this month but they delayed it until March because of POE 2.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Unfortunately both ingame chat and forums/reddit are full of absolute worst scum of cuckpit worth g*mer gatekeeping scum telling you to git gud. I tried for 2 hours now to get any help for the wolf count boss and guess what, i got insulted more times than in all other hack & slash games ever and ofc nobody helped.

And i'm 100% sure what will happen later, all those scum will start whining and crying that people play only meta builds and devs need to nerf them.

If you become surrounded, you are trapped and die. You can’t move through enemies at all, Normal monsters take 5-6 hits to kill.

This is precisely the problem with that boss. All others can be killed at range but this one has a phase where it locks you in tiny space with tons of mobs and pounce on you from outside visibility ever 5 seconds of so for insane damage.

Also there is no promised trade, at least not yet, i just wasted entire saturday playing it, got to the same boss on two different classes and got stopped at the same place every time. Now i'm frustrated as fuck and i literally never felt so cheated after buying a game.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Unfortunately both ingame chat and forums/reddit

You can change your in-game chat channel. You type "/global #" into the chat but replace # with a number. I like channel 4040, which is a channel for achievement completion, but it always has the same group of people in there and there is friendly chatter. Channel 5055 is the designated reddit channel.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Thanks, i will check this. Also PoE community IS really somethign else. I watched maybe 5 or 6 videos on Youtube and today my new feed is half full of typical nazi propaganda youtubers, which never happened after watching even a lot of videos for Last Epoch, Diablo 4 or Grim Dawn.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

my new feed is half full of typical nazi propaganda youtubers

Here's a list of channels to avoid for political reasons.


Asmongold - Toxic wow player turned right winger political commentator. "antiwoke" misogynist. not even a poe player, he only plays poe as a side game. if you click his poe videos, you will get right wing videos in your feed.

Quin69 - dumb guy. stupid politics. joe rogan type. nickmercs type.

cutedog_ - libertarian of the age of consent type. shows weird sexualized anime on stream. says his favorite author is Ayn Rand. probably watches Destiny.

Belton - ex-military canadian chud. got banned 2 months ago for doxxing his twitch mod team

PathOfMath - Very toxic guy. Permanently banned for making death threats again game devs.

Here's a list of channels that have good info. I copied this list and labeled some channels I recognize. As a rule of thumb, avoid channels with robot/ai voices.

AlkaizerX - best melee player
Ben_ - best player ever, won most competitions
CaptainLance9 - creative builds
CrouchingTuna - bow player
devilcatwith2cat - creative builds, taiwan channel
ds_lily - hardcore
Fubgun - bow player
GhazzyTV - minion player
jungroan - creative builds
KayGaming - minion player
Mathil1 - creative, low budget build
onemanaleft - creative, high performance builds
Palsteron - creative builds
Pohx - new player friendly
SnapOW - group play, support builds
Steelmage - hardcore player
Subtractem - creative builds
TheGAM3Report1 - minion builds
tytykiller - speedrunner
Zizaran - new player friendly. I think this guy is sponsored by the game devs

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

I don't watch her stream so I don't know if she's OK now, but the DS in DS Lily used to be RWDS for right wing death squad. Just putting that out there.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

I’m absolutely loving it, it is the game that I wanted PoE1 to be before it got faster and faster.

I’m playing warrior, you got to be constantly moving and you can dodge a LOT just by sidestepping or backing from range, I barely use the active dodge. The only issue is that if you weapon get outdated you will have a hard time, but I find it much easier to craft a ok weapon here and there than in 1.