Good morning. I’d like to present the DT with this monumental fattyfatfat of a bee
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
The local IGA has a "wall of shame" where they have photos of thieves.
Lo and behold, there's a picture of my neighbour lol
Fucking hell
lol the local leos back in melbs has a wall of shame too (usually about 8 piccys from cctv). Feel sorry for the staff as they're all kids and the thieves are pretty much 30+ which would be intimidating.
Doesn't seem like it's going to be that hot today.
Woke up to junkies screaming about someone stealing a cigarette.
Soon. So fucking soon.
Doesn’t seem like it’s going to be that hot today.
Can I quote you on this later?
Hot today. It would be great if you could all refrain from burning things, crashing cars, locking kids/pets inside cars, or doing anything else that forms a risk to life or property.
Big thunder and big rains.
Just had a look on radar - whoowheee!
Supplies: Obtained Apartment: sealed Air con: on Couch: comfy Iced G-string and bra combo: refreshing
Doing the Jurassic World exhibition today. I bought tickets before I checked the temperature so we're doing that first thing and then I think we'll go straight home
Happy International Chocolate Cake Day 🎉
Sadly I was ignorant of this, and have not made any preparations. Too hot to cook. I shall have to celebrate on another day!
I don't get why postgraduate students aren't eligible for Myki concession fares. It would make sense if people were not underemployed after finishing their undergrad, and studying a postgrad part-time.
But many of us are doing postgrad qualifications because the undergrad was kinda useless.
Me withdrawing from the ATM...
Finish the withdrawal, find 4 people lining up behind me to use said ATM.
There are 2 more vacant and functional ATMs next to me.
I've noticed this at the checkout.
Coooooool chaaaaaaange.
Grateful for a short week
Wrote a new song with words as well
Forcing the hand of my employer tomorrow (and having interviews lined up for next week)
Mini callipos
Bickfords Blood orange sherbet cordial
Just generally in a good mood!
I’m not eating gluten atm for an allergy trial, saw this ad (jewellery on a fabric strip) and thought, mmm, Lebanese bread
Will be mugging people for their toast any minute now
Happy Double Sunday
BOM app says we are 38.3 deg rn - Darwin is 30.8. Bring on the cool change.
The wind is getting nastier. The hair dryer dried my towels in under one hour!
Had a great improvised jam before. Managed to get most of a song out of me which is really nice.
Goodnight all, from human and fluffball ❤️
Shopping list
new printer
new microwave
googly eyes in various sizes tending to the larger ones
picture frames
What on earth is this weather doing?! Random bursts of rain, sun being utterly indecisive, random cool gusts... Not complaining though. I might actually finish this entire stretch...
Cool change and a bit of rain / thunder just hit the bellarine so all of you kool kids should be getting that soon.
Heard an odd noise, went to check. It’s…raining?!
Ah. Double checked BOM and there is the chance of a thunderstorm today. Very weird
Heaps of march / horse flies down here atm, esp. at the beach.
Every time one gets me I can't stop thinking that they're literally sawing into you.
I encountered them a few years ago at Fairhaven beach thinking they were harmless (but annoying) sand flies. I was covered in bites all over my body, so horrible. Have not gone back to that beach since!
their bite hurts 🤬
Bleh. Was hoping to wake up early but had a tummy ache last night and probably didn’t sleep till 3:30am.
I’m going to be a zombie tomorrow if I’m not careful.
Heroic effort to catch up after wasting yesterday (and most of this week). The energy for this coming week has been spent but I managed to deal with a fair bit.
There’s still mountains of folding and the carpet has still not been vacuumed but I just hit up anything that was necessary right now, smelled, or could attract bugs.
✅ Bedding changed✅ Groceries ordered
✅ Wildlife water filled
✅ Bin emptied
✅ Litter boxes cleaned (missed one I thought hadn’t been used)
✅ Laundry hung
✅ Dishes drip drying
✅ Jelly made
✅ Cat’s pills split
✅ Cat’s dosette loaded
✅ Plants watered
✅ Small pots brought inside
Heck yeah finished up at 2:30, did a full day's work including half hour lunch break and didn't manage to get too overheated. Left when it was about 33-35C. Nearly finished the section, rest is easy to do tomorrow... then the whole area will turn green on the app and look beautiful 🤩
Swung by Laguna on the way home to grab some frozen tempeh (cos I've been craving it for a while) and yellow noodles (really craving a nice greasy mee goreng which will be dinner). But first I need a late lunch which will be rice with a bit of left over veg and a quick dal curry. I am going to make sure I have enough space for the glorious mee goreng though.
Can't wait to make the tempeh later this week. It's the goat of all vegetarian protein
Sky noisy
Still not too hot outside. Been at it from 6:45 (would've liked to start earlier but this is the best I could do). Let's see if I can make it to 1pm. Fucking temps reaching maximum at 5pm is ghastly
Good luck! I just went out for a quick walk and it was pleasant but definitely ominous. Don't envy you
We were planning to perform a nuclear test but there is a total fire ban. Another day then.
Slept like a baby thanks to all my walking yesterday. Downside: ow.
Also I missed a spot on my cheeks and got sunburnt. Ow.
Still awake -_-
I’ve been filling the wildlife water super quickly each night and didn’t see the level so went out to double confirm the water is topped up for today’s scorcher. (And do an extra water of the flowers.) I’d hate for it to run dry from a tiny missed hole again.
Then I see the heavy little dish that had been weighing down the foil pan is gone…
Go back on the tape and some extremely odd acting guy has come inside the property line, stolen it out of the water pan, dropped it in the dirt and kicked it along… then picked it up again and taken off with it.
What the actual fuck man. I swear the people here are cooked and steal just to steal.
Lovely rando day despite the heat.
- Two walking laps around the park (usually unheard of)
- Spontaneous brunch within brunch hours (the relief of paying under $30 rather than the $40 I’m paying down the coast, ugh)
- Upside down house at the dead end of town (simple, but surprisingly effective and fun)
I downed a pint of lemon lime bitters. This weather….
My back hurts… and I managed to wrench my hip and knee -_-
Time to find some trash to watch on youtube