The liberal culture at large loves having these gigantic problems to point to so that individuals can complain about how the biggest victim in relation to these gigantic problems is themselves for having to essentially know about them or suffering relatively minor effects in their day to day life.
This happens in TV shows a lot (noticed it most recenlty in Apple TV's Shrinking with the lib neighbor) and everyone had an annoying friend who had a significant life event between 2020 and 2022 and was talking about how COVID was the worst for them specifically. The whole "I'm so sick of hearing about politics" shit from libs is just a continuation of treatler culture. The abstract value of a girlboss president is simply a cultural treat. It's she Hulk twerking on the desk.
BTW my favorite show that skewers this stuff especially how it comes into cohesion with 20th century gerontocracy values is Adult Swim's Bird Girl which was unfairly cancelled and has a ridiculously catchy theme song. There's an episode where Bird Girl has to go into her father's executive training simulator (to learn how to fire someone) which is just an office sexual harassment game and she at first is icky about it but then achieves a high score anyway declaring herself simultaneously the victor on her father's shitty terrain but simultaneously not a bad person. She ends up firing a woman who essentially was holding up the productivity of the company by making sure everyone had their treats. It's a very well written show.
The Pilot is skewering her real life persona Judy having imposter syndrome about her super hero persona of Bird Girl because her father named Bird Girl his successor and not Judy. Show's crazy good.