Please don't post the photo.
That could be stolen and cause someone to target an innocent person.
Community Rules
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Be nice. Assume others have good intent (within reason).
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Most 196 posts are memes, shitposts, cute images, or even just recent things that happened, etc. There is no real theme, but try to avoid posts that are very inflammatory, offensive, very low quality, or very "off topic".
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Moderator Guidelines
Please don't post the photo.
That could be stolen and cause someone to target an innocent person.
Some folks have been saying that the photo and looped stream are being used by a stalker to impersonate her. No clue on the validity, but you definitely shouldn’t post the photo either way.
Catfishers and pig butchers should be memed until they become so famous they can't scam anyone. =D
make it a bit more clear that this is calling out a scammer. Also, change the links
Thank You! 💖
She just messaged me again from *
I got another one from another person.
How do I get rid of this message notification? Every time I hop into Boost I see the notification, and even though I've looked at this message before it doesn't get marked as read.
Its a bug in boost. Use the mark all as read double checkmark. Then you have to exit the app completely. That is the only way i can get them to go away.
the inbox page should have a mark all as read button, try that
if you're trying to leave other things unread, you'll probably have to manually mark them unread after, if boost supports that feature (i'm actually not too sure)