He has such a hard on for trump.
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Just gonna force people to go through puberty before they can get help, fucked up
Rat faced fascist cunt
If we win the war maybe the US Nazis will be easy to find in Argentina.
When did the war begin & where are the battlefields?
The war began in 1970, when Roger Ailes declared war on reality. The battlefield is in the media.
Yeah the media that loves the oligarchs are fighting for the good... Sure!
The war is about to begin when America (people, media, Trump Co.) makes a physical move for land thereby creating the tripolar axis of Fuck You All by condoning Russias expansion and allowing Chinas invasion of Taiwan in front of a terrified world waiting their turn.
People will die, but just think of the economic and population 4D chess we are lucky to witness. While we witness Americans choose evil and stupid.
They already have & no one is doing a damn thing.