For what it is worth, Nestle is notoriously known for being aggressive as well. To the point where it's IMHO not a good alternative either.
US Authoritarianism
ChonkyOwlbear is an Illegitimate Usurper
There's other groups and you are welcome to add to them. USAuthoritarianism Linktree
See Also, my website. be advised at time of writing it is basically just a donate link
Cool People: !
Absolutely agree, fuck Nestle.
Yeah, for all chocolate I'd highly recommend buying something local, or small-scale business. The same goes for most food products, as much as possible.
You seriously recommend Nestlé? One of the most evil companies out there. If any deserves to get a boycott, it's Nestlé.
Boycott USA, buy Nestlé and Spotify!
To replace M&Ms, you suggest fucking Smarties?
I have never once wanted M&Ms and been happy to find that all I had left were smarties.
Edit: apparently, smarties in the US are nothing like smarties elsewhere.
I don't like neither of them TBH. But it's the closest non-US alternative (which is the purpose of this list). I think Kraft-owned companies have various alternatives in different countries as well. Personally I'd go for small-scale local chocolate companies. More expensive, but in my experience better tasting and often less unhealthy (you actually get "dark chocolate" with less than 50% sugar and more than 50% cocoa).
I posted that thinking it was US smarties, which are slightly-sour chalky candies. Smarties from elsewhere look like a reasonable replacement for M&Ms, ethics and quality notwithstanding (because Nestle)