It would be a nice bonus if surplus American produce became somewhat affordable to Americans due to foreign disinterest.
Buy Canadian
A community dedicated to buying Canadian products.
Une communauté dédiée à l'achat de produits Canadiens.
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But it is not going to, you are only going to get F’d over some more. You import most of your fertilizer, Trumps tariffs will hurt you there. Trump plans on ramping up ICE raids so a lot of your foreign labour is going.
What are you doing about it?
I don't live in the US, but pretending that I do, you sound a lot like you're blaming me. What exactly would you like me to do? I can think of a number of ways I could suffer and die for the cause, but not how to actually change anything.
Fair, I am going to pull a Canadian and apologize. I am trying to get over the Americans infiltrating the r/BuyCanadian group.
I am not yet a full convert away from Reddit.
I am not yet a full convert away from Reddit.
Part of a successful message to these shitheads is to stop using their services. That means Reddit. Quit today.
As a bonus, when you take your thoughts and eyes elsewhere, the assholes trolling just look even dumber. Nothing takes the hot air our of a flatulent anus more than forcing them to play bugle for an empty room; the best internet insult was always "noone cares"
Doing the same thing I've been doing for years. Been focusing on my "main" guns, getting better with 9mm, AR and 12-gauge. Working on shelter and supplies far from here. Actually working on all that this week, off till Friday!
If they come for my legal immigrant wife, they're getting blasted through the fucking door.
If Red Shirts come knocking, they're getting blasted through the fucking door.
What else is in my power? Marches and protests are a fucking joke. A general strike is the only power the masses have, and these masses voted for Trump. My fat-as-fuck fellow Americans dare not miss a meal to take a single day off.
That's likely the plan. Problem is, it'll only work in the short term. The US is a globally integrated nation. Nationalism is moronic because globally integrated means that we fundamentally don't have the capacity to do certain things or the raw resources.
Fertilizer, vehicles (except recently historically Tesla), batteries, microchips, some farming and ranching, and a lot of dirty industry are all things that the US either doesn't or can't do anymore.
Regardless, the tariffs (regressive taxes) will inflate the costs of all imported goods and impoverish the average US citizen while concentrating wealth in the richest. Then we'll get more of the cheerleading nationalism and blaming Canada and Greenland for things, then war to get things back to how they were by punishing the people who have nothing to do with it
As an American, I support this.
As an American, I kinda want in on this... wondering what the best option would be locally, without needing to investigate entire supply chains.
Only thing that comes to mind are places like those family-owned Asian stores with products that at least appear to be sourced directly from whatever country to the store owner's culture belongs to.
Any tips?
I've been working on degoogling. I don't trust US tech anymore. Well, I haven't for a while, but with recent events I'm now motivated to fix it.
Local is the key. Or at least, it's the best first step.
I live in a small Canadian city. Frankly there aren't always a lot of options for me to buy Canadian brands. I'm limited by what is available to me. My response has been to go even deeper than just "buy Canadian" to "buy Local".
Go to your local independent grocer. Go to your local independent clothing store, coffee shop, mechanic, etc.... Find your local farmers market where local gardeners and producers sell their vegetables, sausages and meats. Somewhere in your city, there's a retired person who spends their spare time making bespoke wood work furniture. Support them instead of buying your next table from Ikea.
Are the items I buy all going to be 100% Canadian. No. It's unrealistic for most people (including myself). But my response even before all of it went to hell has been to say that wherever possible, ensure that your money is staying in YOUR community instead of being shipped off to a corporate headquarters.
That's my thought anyway. The more local the better. Your community becomes culturally and financially more robust when we stop letting corporations take our money out of them, regardless of nationality.
Unfortunately, my community is among the ones that needs to start feeling the consequences of our bullshit. That retired woodworker, mechanic, etc are all wearing MAGA hats. I live in the cousin-fuckingly deep south - 99% of my dipshit neighbors are the part of what that fucking traitor is running our country into the ground right now.
The retired woodworker here needs to have his shop burned to the ground.
...anyway, I know of an Asian market and a Mexican market not crazy far from where I live. I'd be willing to bet I can find stuff that's comparable to 90% of what I'm already purchasing at those types of stores. The other big ones are pharmacy and gas as far as daily spending goes... no idea what non-US options there'd be for that.
But yea I might be in kind of a weird place with specifically not wanting to support my local shops, but fuck these rednecks. I don't want them getting a cent more of my money than is absolutely necessary.
I doubt there's jack shit I can do to support Canadian supply chains from here, but I can at lreast try to pull out of the US ones as much as possible.
Good, Staples is a terrible company. I stopped shopping there years ago.
Staples Broccoli, notoriously dry and tinny
It's possible that might have been printer toner.
The broccoli they sell is shit too
We are auditing literally every purchase. Netflix and Disney are banned. X and meta are blocked at the router. I'm actively looking for Canadian cloud providers for hosting. I've never seen such a thorough, deserved repudiation of America, long past overdue IMO.
Keep it going guys. We Americans need to be taught a lesson.
Thanks for your support! I'm just sorry really to the Americans who don't deserve this, the kids especially :(
Lots of people don't deserve it, but that's the only way things will change.
Oh for sure, I understand that. Otherwise, I wouldn't feel motivated like I do to be boycotting, canceling accounts, signing petitions, etc.
That would be those who voted Dem.
Those that voted for Fart are getting their just desserts and did this to their own kids, and those who didn't vote are finding out the hard way why not voting is a stupid idea especially when one of the choices is an orange clown.
You'll never convince me to blame kids for their parents' poor choices or wrong behavior.
Yeah, I have only been able to find American spinach so no spinach for me.
Canadian spinach is on the way very soon. We're planting in our greenhouse now so commercial guys must be as well.
Figuratively and literally. Best spinach of the year is grown over winter or in early spring while it's still pretty cold out. It makes it crunchy and sweet.
Good to know I did not know this.
I signed up for a CSA from a local farm finally. I'll have fresh veggies grown a stone's throw away for all this summer and fall. Meanwhile, I'm not buying American produce.
Keeping my money away from Loblaws and other Canadian oligopolies as much as I can, too.
Yeah I have had to cut out Broccoli purchases because in BC they are only in season beginning from June. It has been snowing so they are only available at my stores from California.
I just bought an electric snow shovel for this winter... no more uncomfortable steps to shovel... then Trump started his shit, noticed it was Murican brand and returned it unopened
Good on you!
Yeah, I had to drop my usual bagged salad. I already have seeds so I'll probably get around to trying microgreens like I've been meaning to.
Been growing spicy microgreens in my chameleon's terrarium. OK so far. Hard to pump enough light in there and the energy vs. output will never be worth it. Growing outside is a whole different thing!
Maybe this will get me into trying to do that again.
Greetings from Austria! I've just discovered this lovely post in /all and just wanted to say I love it how you managed to get a critical mass to avoid US-american products, you really are restoring some of my faith in humanity. Keep up the good work, I'm boycotting with you :)
Man, why can't the people of America be more like this. We fucking suck
Be the change. If you're American, take your money out of big tech, big corpo. Buy from local producers and family farms. Buy from coops. Buy from companies that didn't bow down to the anti-DEI diktats.
I do this already. In the process of degoogling. I shop at Costco a lot and farmers markets It's frustrating talking to Americans these days. It's like talking to a brick wall. People that are on Trump's d*** think he can do no wrong and don't see the hypocrisy.
That's all you can do yourself. Forget about the cultists, find those who you can get along with and help each other out. It's gonna be a long time to get through this for any non-fascist Americans.
Hi All!
Kansan here. I see a lot of comments about growing your own food. Let me know if I can help answer any questions about growing greens indoors or other plants outdoors. There's a lot of ways to efficiently grow greens indoors all season long.
I'd also love to reccomend seeds if needed.
Nova Scotian here. Also grow tons of stuff if anyone wants help. We produce most of our own and have lived in 5 different provinces over the past 40 years. We have loads of experience indoors and out. Happy to help anyone out who has questions or needs help.
Right on! Someone else in the family has been doing the grocery shopping, and my list is always titled, "Anything but American. If there's no equivalent, Canadian or otherwise, don't get it!". Today I'm making ALL CANADIAN stew again! Had it the other day, some of the best stew I've made!🍁💪
Good! It seems the only thing American elites respond to is money, and too many Americans are addicted to consumption to stop giving these assholes money.
I love how we are all setting aside our modern day individualism and desire for convenience, and joining together for a good cause! This country is worth defending. It isn't perfect but it sure as hell is a better place to live than America. Let's make it a country where mutual aid and empathy are central to our values.
Canadians are also used to not eating many things in winter so boycotting products isn’t that difficult
The grocery stores have even added little maple leafs next to the prices for Canadian goods, which makes it a lot easier.
I'm curious to see the numbers on this after a while.
For food, buying locally often means buying with the seasons, which isn't a bad thing either. I've started trying to do this more and enjoy how much more flavour there is in the produce I buy. I have been used to always being able to buy anything I want in any season, but adapting to what is available is kinda fun.
or grow them. have to tent it to keep the goddamn white moth and their caterpillars off though. they got my cabbages one year and then I tented everything so I actually have somehing to harvest